Dear Dotsie, "Nothing will ever be
attempted if all possible objections must first be
overcome. ---Samuel Johnson ![]() Greetings, The above quote reminded me of the NABBW teleseminar series, Finding Purpose at Midlife. Some of us have dreams that have been latent for years. Being active in this series caused me to consider goals I've been "what if-ing." It's time to kick those what ifs to the curb. Would you like to join me in stepping out of our "comfort zones" by trying something we've been putting off? I'd love to hear your attempt at being bold. If you're gutsy and want to share your first step, please email it to Sometimes just sharing it moves us to action. Congrats on taking that first step. The Great Baby Boomer Cash Give-Away begins today and lasts until June 15th. For every person you send that joins the NABBW, you get $25.00 in your pocket. That's a $25.00 referral fee. All you have to do is have them tell us who sent them when they join and we'll send you CASH. Please forward this newsletter and tell them to sign up today. Your cash will be in the mail within two days. Send to your Girl's Night Out gang, colleagues, neighbors, book club members, sisters, cousins, etc. If you have a Web site, blog, or newsletter, you are welcome to share it there. Just make sure they tell us who sent them. Send to everyone and if four people join, that's $100.00 smackeroos in your purse! I'm looking forward to writing those checks. Thanks for spreading the word about the NABBW. JOIN HERE. Our Finding Passion at Midlife series has been eye opening for many. NABBW members should check their Weekly Updates for the audio links and transcriptions to hear our dynamic speakers who are motivating women to make changes they've been pondering for years. I hope you'll be on the call May 27th when Dr. Karen Gail Lewis opens our eyes once again. She'll let us in on how our relationships can keep us from our dreams. That's right, loved ones say and do things to discourage us unknowingly. Sad, huh? Well, learn how to put an end to it by joining us on the call. Are you recently separated, divorced, or have a dear friend experiencing either? We're happy to share our new NABBW associate with you. Joanie Winberg's passion is helping women in the midst of all the confusion which often coincides with these transitions. Visit her here to learn how she can help you. If you're at midlife and looking to unlock some creative juices, join me Thursday, June 5th at 2:00. Linda Joy Myers at the National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) will be interviewing me. The topic is Discovering Midlife Creativity. Please check our sites for call information. Tune in next month as we focus on Caregiving and Grief. When surveyed, you told us you needed information on relieving the stress that caring for loved ones causes. Let us help you with our June teleseminar series. Enjoy the warmth this season brings. Onward with grace, Dotsie What's the latest media news with the National Association of Baby Boomer Women and Boomer Women Speak? To read all about it, click HERE! Testimonial! "I was in the audience for the Ann Marie Kelly's May 6th teleseminar on Choosing Victory: How to Stop Surviving Your Life and Start Living It. Ann Marie bought her own unique spin on how we should keep changing in order to move towards a more authentic life - one that is successful and victorious. Her six skills to develop a new lifestyle were filled with great information from "take control of who you are and what you want," to "it's not who you know, but who knows what you know" and they made me pause and take another look at how we go about our daily lives. I thank her for shedding more light on how baby boomer women can take care of themselves and have the lives they want." ElizabethCassidy CTACC CreativeLife and Transition Coach ***CLICK ABOVE for ADVERTISEMENT*** ![]() ![]() BOOMER WOMEN
FORUM NEWS FOR May: The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women. NABBW promises:
ADDED BENEFITS - Offers! The Boomer Women Resource Center is committed to addressing all of your baby boomer needs. Visit our online Resource Center for topics such as Eldercare, Entrepreneurs, Finances, Retirement, Self-Improvement and many more! We hope you'll use these comprehensive and growing resources as your learning and educational center and guide. SHOP NOW! |
FEATURED ASSOCIATE Janice Taylor, Book Launch! Janice Taylor is all about reinvention and transformation. In honor of her 50th birthday, she permanently removed over 50 pounds, made a list of 50 things she was tolerating (from her job to dust behind the refrigerator) and systematically took care of it all! And now, in honor of her 55th birthday (a speed limit birthday - I don't think she has a limit) ... her 2nd book is hitting the stands - All Is Forgiven, Move On ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat Burning- Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville. The advance praise for Janice and her book is nothing short of AMAZING!? ![]() Janice Taylor is a Weight Loss Coach, NeuroLinguistic Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist, and also wrote Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal (Fall 2006). She is the creator of the very popular e- newsletter Kick in the Tush Club, a resident blogger for and a 50-pound big-time-loser. Taylor leads workshops at a number of wellness centers across America, including Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York, The Crossings, Austin, Texas and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, The Berkshires, Massachusetts. FEATURED
MEMBER Favorite Concert Memories - WINNER ANNOUNCED! Congrats to Meredith Laskow, the winner of the Favorite Concert Memory Contest with her story, Purple Electric. To read click HERE! sponsored by the National Association of Baby Boomer Women and GRAND Magazine Here's the contest. You have 500 words to tell us your favorite grandparent memory. Knock yourself out. Take us back. Who was there, what were you doing, how old were you, why was the event so special? Deadline - July 1, 2008 PRIZE MONEY - $250.00 and F-R-E-E membership or renewal in Please make sure to include your name, email address, and short (no more than 75 words) bio at the top of your entry. Men may also submit! (Should a man win, he can keep the $250.00 and give the free membership to NABBW to a boomer woman.) NABBW MAY 2008 TELESEMINARS - Finding Purpose at Midlife
![]() If you are unable to listen in on any of the seminars, or if you prefer to hear them at your leisure, visit the NABBW and sign in on the Member ONLY page which provides links to all our teleseminars. As a bonus, you can now choose the audio file or download the PDF (document) version and read the entire teleseminar. These are great to listen to while you are working or playing online. Just another benefit of NABBW! BOOMER BOOK REVIEWS We are happy to review member's books, products and services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you are interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or service. NOTE: Once your book has been submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books and products sent for reviews will not be returned. Deborah Vaughn Reviewed by Melinda Cianos ![]() One does not visit this place by choice. Women worldwide will be deposited at its gates kicking, screaming and fighting it all the way, or with wonder and acceptance. We enter our menopausal years timidly, oftentimes scared and very rarely ready. Why is that? Author Deborah Vaughn expects that by taking the reader on a fictional trip through mythology and histories of countries and religions that we will approach some understanding about the origins of our perspectives on midlife and menopause. Through the centuries our roles have been carefully etched out, engraved in our hearts and minds, and unfortunately prohibit us from looking at this pivotal time in our lives with anything other than dread; it doesn't have to be that way. The first step towards a fresh perspective is understanding and education. Honestly, for me, the idea of visiting a place called Menopause Ranch seems downright torturous, but by the time I finished Vaughn's creative novel, I found myself wishing there was such a place. The women who visit are wrapped-in and clothed with the very essence of who they are; warmly supported in the move to embrace their uniqueness. Menopause Ranch is a place of rest, a place of peace, a place that provides a banquet of love and deep understanding. Good to Go The ABC's of Death and Dying By Jo Myers Reviewed by Melinda Cianos ![]() Faced with questions concerning the death of a close friend or relative, one may have trouble discerning where to turn. Sometimes emotions take over making it difficult to reach out to the right people for answers. Author Jo Myers writes to soothe the confusion and turmoil that often accompanies the loss of someone close to us with her own brand of practical knowledge and humor. Granted, it may be difficult to see the lighter side of heavy issues like writing a eulogy, funeral preparation and cremation, but Myers makes a gallant attempt at removing the unpleasantness surrounding such issues with clarity and wit. Jo shares practical stories surrounding the death and dying of family and friends which are eye-opening. She offers a wisely chosen title for each letter of the alphabet which allows you to jump around the book and read the topics of most interest to you. Helpful tips written by therapists, funeral directors, physicians, etc. are highlighted throughout. This is excellent material to pore over before one is in the position of making crucial decisions concerning the death of a loved one; the material will be easier to digest and appreciated while one is somewhat removed from what is usually a highly- charged, emotional event. If you are facing the loss of our Greatest Generation, and/or want to be thoughtful of your loved ones by planning ahead for your end of life, I highly recommend this book. I've never seen anything like it. Lessons in Buoyancy By Kathy Vick Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel ![]() If you are a Christian woman and have read Proverbs 31and thought . . . there's no way I can live like this woman today, then this is the book for you. Upon reading, you will learn that perfectionism is not what God wants for you. Give it up. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop judging and stop trying to measure up. All God wants is your heart. Once he has that, you can learn your life purpose. Kathy walks you through lessons in faith, letting go, happiness, forgiveness, endurance, and more. She shares practical stories from her life that allow you to see yourself for who you are and who you can become. Relax. Let God do the work. You will learn to live a more balanced life with God at the helm. If you are in the need for a dose of encouragement, I recommend this book.
MEMBER COLUMNS May is "Older American's Month" By Barbara E. Friesner ![]() I was recently told that, as a Baby Boomer, I'm considered an "older American". Which is kind of funny because when I think of an "older American", I think of my mother's generation, not mine! Especially because I don't really feel "old". I feel mature and grown up and wise - but not old. In fact, I still see myself as young. I have friends who are my mother's age and I don't think of them as old either. I just think of them as my friends. Continue reading at this link: More from Barbara Cultivating Resilience By Prill Boyle ![]() We human bloomers, late or otherwise, are a resilient bunch as well. We have to be for the seeds of our dreams to germinate and multiply. Continue reading at this link: More from Prill Choices By Patty Friedmann for GRAND Magazine ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from GRAND STEPPING BACK ON THE SIDEWALK By Karen V. Stephen, Ph.D. ![]() Those of you who have been following my columns with NABBW may have noticed that my last new column was a few months back. Quite often my patients assume that because I am a therapist, I am immune to the ups and downs of life. They forget that I learned my professional skills in school and through years of practice, and that, underneath the professional veneer, I am the same vulnerable and sometimes off track human being that they are. In fact, most appreciate when I occasionally share my personal experiences (which I do only after I feel I have begun to resolve them). Continue reading at this link: More from Karen "10 Golden Rules" for Book Marketing Success By Sheri McConnell ![]() 1. Take Risks. Be willing to put yourself in uncomfortable situations (like speaking and selling) to market your books. Pretty soon you won't be uncomfortable anymore and you will be selling books. 2. Accept Mistakes. Not everything you try will be effective. Some of the promotions you dream up will fall flat and others will be very effective. You have to test your marketing plan, and accept the mistakes as a guideline for what NOT to do the next year. Continue reading at this link: More from Sheri Mother May I, Empty Nesters Bloom By Natalie Caine ![]() "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." Arthur Ashe, athlete Isn't it great that we, as empty nesters, don't have to ask permission anymore? And isn't it great that we learned to be thoughtful and think before we act? I wonder if our children feel that newness of deciding and thinking away from home. Continue reading at this link: More from Natalie It's Hard Being Me By Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw Jaw ![]() I applied no makeup as that would have required strength, and wore raggedy clothes because they were the first thing I put my hand on in the closet. As I passed the bathroom mirror, I saw a hairbrush on the vanity. Knowing I needed to conserve my energy for pushing the grocery cart, I passed it by. Trust me, I didn't give a rip. I'm telling you, da Queen here didn't c-a-r-e. Continue reading at this link: More from Georgia CONFLICTS CAN BE ROMANTIC? By Judith Sherven, PhD ![]() Chores, Money, Sex, In laws, Holidays, Feeling Ignored, Vacations, Disciplining the Children, Enough Time Together, Lack of Listening, Dirty Fighting, The "Right Way" to Do Things, "You Just Don't Get It," and on and on . . . And you've got your own unique trouble spots that make conflicts even more confusing. That's why we offer 5 keys to a romantic outcome, when you know how to resolve your conflicts in a way that benefits each of you, and your relationship. Continue reading at this link: More from Judith Who will get the FAT Vote? Let's talk politics! By Janice Taylor ![]() I've been paying close attention to the news coverage of this primary season and listening to the pundits pontificate on the same points over and over again. They talk of exit polls as they do the breakdown dance of statistics in a variety of ways. Male, female, white, African American, Latino, the boomer vote, the youth vote, economic groups, blue collar, white collar, high school graduates, college graduates, religious affiliation. You name it. They have a statistic on how the group of the moment votes. Continue reading at this link: More from Janice Lifelong Learning - for Free! By Jan Cullinane ![]() If lifelong learning is one of your passions, or something you plan on pursuing in retirement, there are many avenues to explore. This column will take a look at a half dozen free online resources that are there for the taking - all you need is a computer - and a little motivation!
HOW ABOUT, "THANK YOU?" By Nan Russell ![]() It started with a turkey. In the early days of a start-up company I once worked for, a plump turkey was a small thank you token given to employees around the holidays. The turkey-giving practice lasted maybe three years, until the growing size of the organization necessitated its change. And while enhanced benefits emerged to replace that poultry gift, I found it amazing that the missing turkey still appeared as a resentment issue five years later in employee forums. Continue reading at this link: More from Nan Anger & Menopause - Find Out What 4 Supplements Can Help You be Happier By Cathy Taylor ![]() During Peri- menopause, in the transitional period before menopause, women experience a number of emotional problems and mood swings, including anger, in addition to physical changes. According to experts, peri-menopause does not cause anger and other mood swings, but fluctuations in hormone production during peri-menopause trigger anger, depression and other mood swings that are already pre-existing. Continue reading at this link: More from Cathy After Divorce - 3 Ways to Move Your Life Forward By Joanie Winberg ![]() 1) Give Yourself a Break During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Continue reading at this link: More from Joanie MEMBER NEWS
RECENT READS Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy sharing my reads with others. Here's what I read last month. Please email me if you can recommend any great books. by Missy Huber Buy this Book by Kathy Vick Buy this Book by John Eldridge Buy this Book Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at and ![]()
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