Dear Dotsie, "Abundance is not
something we acquire. It is something we tune into." --
Wayne Dyer
![]() Greetings, I don't know about you, but my midlife is an emotional, peri-menopausal rollercoaster. I thought I'd list a few personal examples from this month to give you peek into what I'm referring to. I think you'll relate. How's that for a month of your basic midlife woman's journey? Trust me, there are many more ups and downs that could be added, but I want to make it brief. This is why I love my work. Every day I connect with women walking similar paths through the NABBW and the forum community at We have more similarities than differences. It brings me so much joy to send you monthly newsletters with well crafted articles and exciting member news that will positively carry you through your rollercoaster ride as a boomer woman. Oh, and just for the fun, we're having a membership drive this month. For those of you who have been waiting for a special rate to join the NABBW, you may do so for $60.00 instead of the usual $75.00 by using this link: $60.00. This is the only place the link is offered so be sure to use it now before you forget. Enjoy this issue and make the most of your ride. We are happy to announce that when searching "baby boomer women" online, is ranked first on Google, and is ranked first on Yahoo. Why not advertise with us? Email me at for advertising rates. Onward with grace, Dotsie
Join Dotsie at the IBWC in Washington DC, November 1-4, 2007. She will moderate a panel discussion titled, Boomer Women: Who We Are, Where We've Been, Where We're Going. Panel members will be announced soon. For more information, please visit: , or contact Dotsie at Testimonial! Here's what a few NABBW members had to say when asked: "What do you enjoy most about NABBW? "
NEWS FOR AUGUST: The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women. NABBW promises:
The Boomer Women Resource Center, which launched less than a month ago, is already expanding its resources. Committed to addressing all of your baby boomer needs, we're proud to announce the latest addition to our Cybrary . . . How to Choose Between the Traditional Route and the Self Publishing Route Presented by Sheri McConnell, President and Founder of the National Association of Women Writers and the Association of Web Entrepreneurs. Sheri teaches women writers and entrepreneurs how to discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge. She is an entrepreneur, publisher, author, writer, and coach with a Masters of Arts in Organizational Management and Bachelors in Social Work. Key elements covered in this Teleseminar are:
Do you know a special GRANDparent? If so, you can nominate them to be honored as GRAND magazine's 2007 GRANDparent of the Year sponsored by Mattel, Fisher-Price, Humana and KidsPeace and they could win a 7-night Caribbean cruise from Royal Caribbean International. Ten finalists will also be honored. For an entry form, just click HERE! For NABBW members, you can get the latest FREE issue of BeE Magazine using the promo link found at the Members Only section at the NABBW. We have created a user-friendly version of member benefits on the Members Only page at Check it out. Email me at if you've forgotten your password. |
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at and ![]()
- For Baby Boomer Women Everywhere!! ![]() Buy this book! ![]() Any boomer woman wishing to join can do so by simply by visiting and entering the forum community. It's that easy, and you can view many thousands of posts sharing what's on the hearts and minds of boomer women while you're there. Already a member of the forum community? Then to join in and go directly to the Boomer Women Book Club or, to read all the comments this far, click BOOK CLUB. FEATURED MEMBER Patricia Noel Drain CPC CIPC Patricia is the recipient of the National Association of Personnel Services "Hall of Fame Award," the most highly acclaimed award of its kind. The Working Woman Magazine presented Patricia with the "Most Innovative Business Practice Award" and she was voted one of the "100 Most Influential People in Arizona" by the Phoenix Business Journal. Drain is also the recipient of "Woman Business Owner of the Year" presented by the National Association of Women Business Owners. Helping thousands around the world discover the secrets of successful interviewing, Patricia authored a book, ![]() ![]() She has also authored 6 other books with her newest release "What Should I Be When I grow Up Now That I'm 40,50,60?" Feeling that we all need a strong foundation about who and what we are at an early age to prepare us for life, Patricia also wrote "I LOVE MYSELF," a children's book and tape on self esteem. ![]() Ah, remember the back to school days of youth? How about taking us back with you by writing your favorite back to school memory? You are welcome to write about the anticipation and excitement of beginning another year, or plunking yourself down in a classroom full of strangers wearing brand new clothes all the way down to your underwear. Maybe you loved having all new school supplies, or couldn't wait to get to the playground to catch up with friends you hadn't seen all summer. Whatever it is, take us back to the good old days. Send us your story by entering our contest and win prizes! Deadline: September 30, 2007 Entry Fee: none Prizes include: Share your story with us and win prizes! For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK ******** Winner of the JUNE-JULY Boomer Women Speak Writing Contest was Amy Mullis with her essay, Death by Faulkner. To read about Amy's "aha" moment click HERE! An Honorable Mention went to Linda Oatman High for Lessons of Blessings and Joy , and can be read at HERE. NABBW AUGUST TELESEMINAR ![]() Reentering the Dating Scene Tuesday, August 28, 2007 7:00 PM EST Monica was born in London, England, migrating to California as a young wife with three small children. She was a professor for many years before leaving the university to write full time. Widowed after a long and happy marriage, she found herself dating - in a stunningly changed world! Her experiences, and those of hundreds of other women and men whom she interviewed, led to Falling in Love Again: The Mature Woman's Guide to Finding Romantic Fulfillment. ![]() She has since remarried and lives with her husband in Los Angeles. Her most recent book is that ridiculous blue sky: a novel. Here are here are some things that women who are nervous about re-entering the world of dating might learn on the call:
NABBW JULY TELESEMINAR ![]() What Women Want (and Need) in Retirement, Tuesday, July 31. If you were unable to attend, you can visit the members only section at and click to listen to this teleseminar, or any of the other teleseminars offered there for members. If you are unable to attend any of our seminars, or if you prefer to hear them at your leisure, then visit the NABBW and sign in on our Member Benefits page which provides links to all our past teleseminars. As an added benefit for our members, you can now choose to listen to these teleseminars, or to open the PDF version and read the entire Teleseminar. These are great to listen to while you are working or playing online. Just another benefit of NABBW! BOOMER BOOK REVIEWS We are happy to review member's books, products and services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you are interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or service. NOTE: Once your book has been submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books and products sent for reviews will not be returned. Annmarie Kelly Reviewed by by Melinda Cianos Buy this Book ![]() Victory comes in many shapes and sizes, varying in color from woman to woman and situation to situation. Small adjustments that bring about positive change are victories, along with huge leaps that may change the entire framework of one's life, and they both deserve equal celebration. The final chapter in Victorious Woman! rounds out the messages in previous chapters by defining, in a clear and compassionate manner, the behaviors of those women who consider themselves victims and of those who are merely "surviving." Kelly illuminates the patterns that some women get stuck in that can keep them from moving forward, however she gently reassures that those patterns are reversible once identified. In her conclusion, she outlines the woman who is "advancing" beyond circumstances that are holding her back and what her victory looks like, leading the reader to the awareness that victory is most certainly there for the taking, and it is up to each one of us to reach out and claim it. Women Reworked Empowering Women in Employment Transition Heather Resnick, wife, mother, business owner, cancer survivor and author Reviewed by Patti Trapp, Buy this book! Women Reworked will be a powerful weapon in any woman's survival arsenal. Although written specifically for women having to remake themselves to succeed in an ever changing workplace, Women Reworked could be used by any women needing to rebuild her sense of self-confidence and self- esteem. Within these pages are stories to encourage and promote fresh thinking, blueprints for survival, and roadmaps for those in challenging situations. It is an easy read, well researched and documented, and well worth the time invested to read. Written with an international view; the principles and ideas contained in Women Reworked can be applied no matter what area or country you hale from. This is a book you'll want to share with all of your women friends, regardless of their stage in life, as Heather's part motivational, part career search and guide, may be just what they need empowering them to initiate a much desired, fresh start. Trading Ashes for Roses, From Pain to Passion: A Celebration of Life Beyond Cancer Connie Pombo Reviewed by Dotsie Bregel, Buy this Book ![]() Should you know someone with a cancer diagnosis, this is the book for both you and them. In addition to sharing her perspective of what it's like to be the patient, she genuinely offers appropriate suggestions for caregivers to understand suitable ways of treating their loved ones with a similar diagnosis. She offers an attitude that may allow them to approach the disease from a healthy perspective while telling you the best actions and words to offer them.
MEMBER COLUMNS WHY BOTHER VISITING MOM By Barbara E. Friesner ![]() To that my friend said, "I don't know why you bother visiting so often anyway and I certainly don't know why you feel guilty - she doesn't even remember that you've been there." I know she is not being unkind or heartless in any way - that she's saying this to make me feel better. And the sad fact is, she's right - my mother's dementia has reached such a point that, not only doesn't she remember that I've been there, she no longer understands the concept of daughter, and conversation while I'm there is no longer possible. So as heartbreaking as it is, why do I "bother"? What difference does it really make anyway? Why is it important to visit a loved one - especially one with dementia? Continue reading at this link: Worry Warts By Karen Baar ![]() She and I had a good laugh about it, but it's not really funny. What she was doing is called catastrophizing; It's a tendency to ruminate, to dwell on the negative, and to assume that the worst will happen. (I have a vivid memory from childhood: when my dad was late getting home on a rainy evening, my mother worked herself up into near-hysteria, assuming he'd been in a car accident.) Continue reading at this link: DEALING WITH LIFE TRANSITIONS By Dr. Karen Stephen ![]() The two most dramatic life transitions are ones we barely notice or remember-these are birth and death. Coming into this world and leaving it are events we celebrate or mourn in the lives of others, but our experience of our own birth amounts to little more than an after-the-fact look at a faded photograph and our experience of death (unless we have had a near death experience) is entirely in our imaginings. Most of the life transitions that we have to deal with are in between birth and death: starting kindergarten, graduating from high school, our first love, losing our virginity, marriage, having children, divorce, empty nests, having grandchildren, first jobs, promotions, moves, losses of friends and loved ones, retirement, financial reverses or windfalls. The list is endless. I would estimate that we each go through at least twenty such major transitions in a life span, some joyful, some painful, some easy and barely noticed, others difficult and haunting. Continue reading at this link: n .html How To Stay Motivated - 3 Easy Tips for Sustaining Your Passion By Sheri McConnell ![]() Stimulate the Senses By far, one of the best ways to stay motivated and to sustain your passion (no matter what it is) is to get outside and walk or jog or run. Our bodies and our brains need to be stimulated and nothing does this better than nature. Nature is vivid. The sounds and textures and smells will help you come alive. And by physically moving in nature, you will stimulate your body even more. Once your senses become stimulated, your brain will start to give you answers to personal and/or business questions. Your body will also become programmed to generate new creative ideas when you stimulate your senses. Clearing the Clutter and Chaos One reason we lose our motivation and can't find our passion in life is that we are too busy experiencing chaos. Chaos comes in many forms-people, events, TV, radio and so on. You must experience nature to find and sustain your passion. Just 30 minutes a day will clear the clutter from your brain and reprogram you to breathe and think more instead of being so reactionary to all the numbing stimulants in your life! Continue reading at this link: SEPARATION: CHILDREN ARE LEAVING FOR COLLEGE By Natalie Caine ![]() "To change one's life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions." ~ William James Doesn't that quotation sound like cheerleaders at half time? Well, some people leap into change to keep tears away. Some drop like lead in water. Others let themselves cry, rest, pause, meander, and unfold. There is no right or wrong way to handle change. When children are packing up and leaving, the whole family feels the change, even the pets. Amy called me and said that she was overeating, sleeping a lot, exercising less and making lists that could wallpaper a bedroom. She felt anxious and she was dreading having her daughter leave for college. "I want to be upbeat and helpful for my daughter, but I can't stop crying. I can't stand the thought of coming back from her dorm and not having her at our dinner table for months." Continue reading at this link: No Excuses By Prill Boyle ![]() Try it. You'll be amazed at the results. The game begins by asking a simple question: What is one obstacle that might prevent someone from achieving a dream? The first time I played, I chose blindness. Then I asked myself, "What dream might a blind person be unable to pursue?" Piloting a plane is the first thing that came to mind. Fully expecting zero results, I googled "blind pilot." I was shocked to learn that at least two blind men have become pilots: Steve Cunningham, who lost his sight at age 12; and Miles-Hilton Barber, who has been blind for 25 years. Both use co-pilots, but computer software enables the men to be fully in control. Continue reading at this link: prillboyle.html Swimsuits ain't for Sissies Anymore . . . By Georgia Richardson ![]() Queenism: Step awayyyy from the swimsuit section. It'll make you cry. Forgetting this tidbit of knowledge, I went shopping for a swimsuit. How hard could it be? After all, I'm a comfortable size 10, right? No need to answer that, it's one of those retro questions. Previously at the store, the "twenty-something" sales clerk had been somewhat helpful, or so I thought. She "sized" me up and down; inserting giggles here and there. I remember thinking, "poor thing" she's obviously inflicted with some sort of nervous disorder. All I did was ask for the "Size 10" section. I'll admit it had been years since I'd purchased a new suit, but so what? I still have the same body as then, just a tad more of it. Ahem. She suggested "boys cut" leg style for the bottom of a two-piece swimsuit I was admiring. Now I know why. You can fit a small boy in each leg. But I have to admit I did like the overall look, so I moved on her suggestion and bought the swimsuit without doing a test drive. Big mistake, with "big" being the operative word. Continue reading at this link: georgiarichardson.html WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? By Nan S. Russell ![]() "I told you last week, to start taking more pride in your work, but I don't see any improvement," she stated. This one way conversation went down hill from there. He kept glancing at her with a confused look as she repeated her unvaried message. Finally, the high school employee muttered something under his breath about "trying harder" and the conversation ended. I understand his confusion. What does it mean to "take pride in your work?" What does "pride" behavior look like? How will he know if he's taken enough pride to satisfy his shift leader? Since pride is not an action, the input she gave wasn't something he could apply to improve his performance. Continue reading at this link: nanrussell.html "From Chardonnay to Chocolate Milk" By Julie Clark Robinson ![]() At the time, I thought I was doing a pretty good juggling act. Between work, marriage, our two small children, extended families, and a circle of friends that we barely had enough time to enjoy, every "ball" in the air seemed to be rotating nicely without too much fear of veering out of control. So one day when I was casually introduced to a woman named Denise, it didn't strike me as a terribly momentous occasion. I'm sure I said, "Nice to meet you" or something equally ordinary, and that would be that. I suppose it was because I had recently moved to Hudson (a charming New England town smack in the middle of northeast Ohio) that I actually picked up the phone and ended up across the table from her at what would become our monthly lunches together. This was big because I'm not exactly a "Let's do lunch" kind of easy-going gal. I'm more of a "How much can I possibly accomplish on my ever expanding To Do list" kind of I-need-to-take-a-chill-pill woman. But there I was, across the table in the window of a little Italian restaurant in a cleverly disguised strip mall the first Monday of every month. Continue reading at this link: julierobinson.html Boost Your Grandchild's Reading Power! By Roberta Sandler for GRAND Magazine ![]() Reading well is at the heart of all learning, and according to the U.S. Department of Education, children who can't read well, can't learn. As a grandparent, you may think of yourself as a role model, mentor, nurturer, babysitter, and provider of love, hugs and kisses. But did you ever think of yourself as someone who can boost your grandchild's reading power? You can! You can encourage your grandchild's enjoyment of reading and help him or her to develop good reading skills, and you can do it in pleasurable ways that will benefit both of you. Continue reading at this link: grandmagazine.html The Beauty of Gentleness By Donna Shepherd ![]() Have you ever been around someone you'd describe as gentle? Kindness and consideration ooze from her pores. Things that would cause you to snap or rebuke someone harshly only slightly ruffle her feathers. Gentleness is in her nature. When I attended the Girls Auxiliary program as a young girl, I had a teacher I could count on to be tenderhearted, never raising her voice. With about fifteen chatty and sometimes catty young girls in her care, she epitomized a gentle lady. Even when we 'acted up' and tried her patience, she never lost control. Being a gentle person does not mean you're a doormat. It only means having strength under control. The original Greek word Prautes is used of domestic animals whose great strength has been reined in and brought under control. Continue reading at this link: donnashepherd.html "On The Other Side Of Insecurity" By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski, Ph.D. ![]() Just like us, you've wanted to ask for a job, a promotion, special guidance for the next step of your career, but then you felt weird, strangely anxious, and you either forgot about it or went ahead in some lame, bound-for-defeat kind of way. It was a special occasion, so you decided, like we have, to wear your most outstanding suit or outfit. But once you put it on, you started feeling uncertain whether you should actually "stand out." Really Stand Out. So you took it off and put on something ordinary. All the price and pain of deep insecurity. But insecurity about what? Continue reading at this link: judithsherven.html A Chicken in Every Pot . . . a Plane in Every Garage? By Jan Cullinane ![]() Take Jimmy Cash, for example. An American Airline pilot, Jimmy, 42, lives in Pecan Plantation (, an amenity-loaded community in Granbury, Texas. In addition to two golf courses, a marina, club house, swimming pool, tennis courts, equestrian center, and village center, Pecan Plantation also boasts a 3,600 foot lighted and paved airstrip. According to Jimmy, about 150 of the 2,000 residences have direct access to the runway. His own home has a hangar, and he's working on building a T-18 Thorp (an all-metal homebuilt aircraft). With about six percent of pilots in the United States female, this type of lifestyle isn't just a male phenomenon - Jimmy noted that two out of three of his closest neighbors are women pilots. Continue reading at this link: Losing It By Janet Horn, M.D. ![]() Exactly what is urinary incontinence (UI)? First of all it's a symptom, not a disease, and is defined as any involuntary loss, or leakage, of urine. There are two main types - temporary and chronic. Temporary UI is just that - it occurs only once or a few times, or on a limited basis, and is always associated with another condition, such as a urinary tract infection. Once the other condition is treated, the UI goes away as well. Some of the other conditions associated with temporary UI are urinary tract infections, constipation (the straining to have a bowel movement causes leakage of urine) and excess fluid intake. Continue reading at this link: Bonjour Quebec! By Carol Sorgen ![]() You've gotta love a city that doesn't hunker down and hibernate when the weather turns frosty-actually, that's a bit of an understatement. It can get downright frigid up there. But for three weeks every winter, les Quebecois embrace the cold at the annual Quebec Winter Carnival. Ice sculpture competitions, dogsled races, skijoering (horse-drawn skiers) competitions, canoe races on the frozen St. Lawrence, ice fishing, a sculpted Ice Palace, and parades are part of the yearly festivities. Make no mistake-it is cold. But if you're dressed for it (and OK, I have to admit, I was forced to go buy a pair of boots when my running shoes just didn't quite cut it) and make regular stops for hot chocolate, cider, or whatever will keep you toasty warm, then there's no better place to celebrate winter where people actually do celebrate it. Continue reading at this link: Under Attack By Janice Taylor ![]() Attacks have been made on my weigh-of-life - some critical of my eating style, some critical of my tight jeans, some lash out over my arched eyebrows. When we change in any way, shape or form, it sometimes upsets other people's apple carts. They are unnerved. It's important to remember that it's not about us; it's about them and there is no truth to what they are saying. Continue reading at this link: Entrepreneurship: The Boomer Woman's Perspective By Jennifer Kalita ![]() While there are numerous aspects to being a successful entrepreneur that transcend life stage, there are challenges and opportunities unique to being a boomer woman in business. Being aware of your individual perspective as a boomer entrepreneur is important because it will help you navigate your business more effectively. Unlike younger entrepreneurs, boomers have a wisdom that comes from a life lived and lessons learned. You know who you are and what you have to offer . . . and that it has value. You also have more work experience, as you may have been in one industry for thirty years and seen all of its changes, or perhaps you changed careers a few times, seeing the world and its work through different lenses. You have an ability to look at the big picture and long-term rewards, whereas your younger counterparts want it right now, and may dump what's not working before it's been given a sufficient chance to fly. But boomer entrepreneurs face their share of challenges as well. Fear is a major hurdle, because if a business flops at 25, you have plenty of time to rebuild. Continue reading at this link:
MEMBER NEWS Booming Women Conferences Postponed: Many of you were aware that NABBW was sponsoring these conferences. We have just learned that Fran Harris has produced a pilot for a Booming Women TV show in July, 2007 and its currently being reviewed by several national cable networks. Therefore, her company is postponing the remaining two 2007 conferences. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. People registered for the Dallas or Fort Lauderdale conferences will receive refunds through PayPal if you have an account. If not, a check will be MAILED by August 15th. If you'd like to be added to the list of potential guests for her TV show, please send an email to and one of their producers will contact you. FOR ALL QUESTIONS, contact Stacey at Karla Freeman Karla was interviewed for the Woman's Day article titled, Time for a Change: How to do what you've always wanted. You can read the article at this link: TIME FOR A CHANGE Jan Cullinane Jan Cullinane had a book signing at Bethany Beach Books in Bethany Beach, Delaware on July 27th. The second edition of her best-selling book, The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life, was released on July 24th. Jan will also be presenting seminars about retirement for RPI Media in Irvine, California on August 4th and 5th. Please see for more info. Saundra Goodman Got Teeth? A Survivor's Guide - How to keep your teeth or live without them is a guide for healthy living and a beautiful smile, even with replacement teeth. It illustrates the importance of the mouth/body connection and good oral health for our overall well-being. My mission is to educate and help others save their teeth or accept and laugh through the fear, discomfort, and surprises of tooth loss with humor and hope. Susan Schneider Be entertained at my Web site reading juicy love stories of how couples met. Please visit at and learn more about couples meeting and my book containing 91 love stories with 30 photos of wedding couples and how they met. I hope you have a good story and wish to share it through my Web site." Elinor Stutz, CEO Smooth Sale and Author , Has anyone ever said something almost mean to you regarding your business? Use this 3 step process: 1) Smile and acknowledge the comment; 2) Agree (they have nothing left to say and walk away!); 3) Use your secret weapon - mentally know you can prove them wrong and take the challenge! My self-published book was out only two weeks when someone said, "If the book were any good a publisher would have picked it up." I followed my advice. Two months later Sourcebooks entitled my book "Nice Girls DO Get The Sale: Relationship Building that Gets Results" and it was featured in TIME Magazine. Carolyn Howard-Johnson Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers, has discovered a way for fellow writers to extend the life of their reviews. Find guidelines at and submit yours. Learn more about Carolyn's other writers' aids (and resources for book lovers!) at Angela Rall, RN Personal Touch Home Care is proud to announce the addition of its "Wellness Division" The division is open to employees as well as the Long Island community at large. The wellness division offers, among other services, case management/referral services, geriatric massage therapy, nutrition counseling and more. All services offered in client's own home. Call (516) 227-3400 and ask for Andrew. Dana Hall What are YOU passionate about? Come find inspiration and share your passions with our visitors on Passionate for Life Magazine at We feature inspiration for Baby Boomers, Marriage, Single Life, Spirit, Career, Home, Helping Others, Travel, Women's Interests and more. Jane Carroll Bertha's Having a September Pajama Party and You're Invited! If you've been holding on to a dream . . . not able to let go . . . and . . . not able to go forward . . . this is the class for you! It's come as you are . . . leave as you Wanna be! All you have to do is B.Y.O.D . . . bring your own dream! Join Jane Carroll HERE for Bertha's Pajama Party and Wake Up to Your Dreams! Nancy Mills Nancy Mills, the founder of Spirited Woman, a really growing women's on-line and off-line empowerment community has some really exciting news to share. Her popular website, SPIRITED WOMAN ( ) has been picked as the August 11, 2007 featured website on Typepad, a blog platform company with more than 10 million blogs on it! Nancy invites you to visit her site, share your comments, and to sign-up for her free newsletter. Dr. Karen Stephen Dr. Karen Stephen, aka Doctor Flamingo, spent July preparing for and then enjoying the wedding of her daughter where her wonderful new son-in-law got so choked up and tearful when thanking her for her support and love that he couldn't even speak--a very touching moment. But, not to worry, it's not an empty nest for Karen since the newlyweds will be living 20 feet across the lawn. Mid-August, be sure and check out her website for wedding photos and advice on how extended family can live together. Meredith Laskow exclusive hand-crafted jewelry: jewelry, beads, and newsletter: ivil/index.html (Sung to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad") Meredith says, "I've been working on a websiiiiiite!" Okay, maybe that was a bad idea as some of you can't sing. But check out my new writing website and then indulge in some pretty new jewelry. Our next song will be, "Where has my vacation gone?" *ahem* Allison Bottke In conjunction with the release of Allison Bottke's second novel, One Little Secret, you are invited to pick the Dream Team Cast you think would best portray these larger than life characters who hail from Beverly Hills, Malibu, and Hollywood. Cast your vote for the film version of One Little Secret in the Hollywood Casting Call Contest where a lucky winner can win an all expense paid trip to Hollywood! Allison is the founder of and .
THANK YOU! to the following for sharing information about NABBW and BWS: Dr. Ingrid Schweiger for including us on her page of links. Linda Joy Myers for including information about the NABBW in her newsletter, Memories and Memoirs. Jane Carroll, host of the Loving Life Radio Show for including the NABBW as a sponsor in her newsletters. Dr. Karen Stephen (aka Doctor Flamingo), for always mentioning NABBW and BWS in all her newsletters. KC Christensen-Lang, for including the NABBW in her ezine, Vitual Moment of Joy. Karen Wright Thanks for mentioning the NABBW in every ezine you send to your mailing list and for having our banner on your site. Kathleen Gage Thanks for recommending the NABBW on your blog. Janice Taylor Thanks for including information about the NABBW in your newsletter. RECENT READS While looking at the growing stack of books under my desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider researching them at Amazon for your next read. ![]() Jennifer Kalita Buy this Book ![]() Marcia A. Curran Buy this Book ![]() Susan Reinhardt Buy this Book ![]() T. Suzanne Eller Buy this Book ![]() Nora Ephron Buy this Book
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new friends. Please email if you no longer want to receive this publication.
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