Dear Dotsie, "When faced by the
consequences of past choices, see the gift of a
lesson rather than the curse of a fall." ---
Dotsie was on the ABC internet show Top Priority for the Role Reversal week long segment hosted by ABC and USA Today. Dotsie also had a video included in the ABC Talk Back, Internet News giving boomer women a voice concerning the Role Reversal segment hosted by ABC and USA Today. She shared information about caring for our aging parents. Video. CBS wrote an online article about sites for baby boomer women and included Kansas City Star - MO,USA published an article about menopause and included quotes from Dotsie. Menopause: The marketing juggernaut She was a guest on the Women Talk Live radio show broadcasted in Baltimore, MD and surrounding areas. The host and show producer was Ginny Robertson from On Purpose Networking for Women. Dotsie was interviewed by Kate Sanner at Dotsie was interviewed by journalists from Newsday, The Arizona Republic and the Chattanooga Times Free Press for upcoming articles about boomer women. She was also interviewed by The Mature Market and Age Times. The interview is posted below. Mature Market. Age Times. Founder Dotsie Bregel continues to blog at:
Testimonial! Dotsie, I just wanted to drop you a note and say that being a member of the NABBW and working for you has been so instrumental in changing the course of not only my writing career, but parts of my life. All for the good. Because of my membership and association with NABBW, I've been asked to participate in writing projects across the Net, and have been featured on multiple Web sites and in newsletters. I've been interviewed by numerous online women's radio programs, and to my delight, was picked up this year by boomer magazine as their official Humorist. I've also been approached by more than one publisher about my next book. And I didn't have to threaten any of them or kidnap their pets. These things are biggies and are work-related, but there's more to these blessings. The NABBW has brought so many new friends and associates into my life. Course this DOES mean I'll be sending out more Christmas cards this year---and gifts. I-ya-ya . . . Georgia Richardson, Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Throne VISIT HER QUEENDOM
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women
the only association devoted to addressing issues
concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest,
and best educated generation of women to ever hit
midlife, baby boomer women.
Quality Health Supplements - Vitamin, Mineral and Herbal Supplements Free of wheat, gluten, soy, corn, yeast, fish, egg, dairy and lactose. Contain no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Free of all common allergens. ![]()
Expanding our minds - enriching our worlds - reinventing our lives! Inside our Cybrary, you'll find rich, engaging content accessible to anyone at minimal cost and of course, free to all members of the NABBW. These resources are offered in a "package buy" consisting of Audio Acrobat Teleseminars and PDF files. We hope you'll use these comprehensive and growing resources as your learning and educational center and guide. Here are a few examples of issues that covered in the BWRC:
Referrals: $20.00 In Your Pocket, or more... Limited time only! Would you like to put a little jingle in your purse? Need extra money for vacation? Would you like to treat that "special" friend to lunch? For every person you refer to the NABBW who joins at the $75.00 rate, you will receive a $20.00 check. There are no limits on the number of referrals. You refer them, they join, you're in the money! Its that simple. When they fill out the application to join, just have them list YOUR NAME in the "referred by" section. The only stipulation is that the person joining must be a NEW member. Members who are renewing are not eligible. This offer ends July 31, 2007 so don't delay. ADDED BENEFITS - Offers!
For NABBW members, you can get the latest FREE issue of BeE Magazine using the promo link found at the Members Only section at the NABBW. We have created a user-friendly version of member benefits on the Members Only page at Check it out. Email me at if you've forgotten your password. |
Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at and ![]()
- For Baby Boomer Women Everywhere!! ![]() Buy this book! ![]() Already a member of the forum community? Then to join in and go directly to the Boomer Women Book Club or, to read all the comments this far, click BOOK CLUB. FEATURED MEMBER Joanna Brandt, RYT, ![]() As a graduate of Brooklyn College with a degree in Theater--and at a time when her peers were settling down to raise families and pursue traditional careers--she left her already fringe job as a Theatrical Costume Shop Manager to study spirituality. Joanna spent the next ten years immersed in meditation and yoga, studying with experts in the United States and Europe. This may not seem outlandish today, but at the time was practically scandalous. In 1985, Joanna decided it was time to see how the other half lived and landed a job as a Computer Programmer with an insurance company. Joanna enjoyed playing at being mainstream for two years, when she heard the inner call to "Start a magazine." Having no practical publishing experience, Joanna immediately set to work, learning as she went. "Noah never built an ark before," she reasoned. In just one month she produced the first issue of Lightworks Holistic Magazine, which she published for eight years. As the paradigm of self-empowerment filtered into public consciousness, Joanna knew the time was right for all her paths to converge. Today, she teaches Kripalu yoga classes, leads relaxation workshops for individuals and organizations and is a certified wellness coach. Currently, Joanna is studying for certification as a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist, an innovative modality that creates a safe container in which to explore one's growing edge. For information about contributing your chapter to Joanna's next two Radiance books, Loss, Grief and Healing or Soul-Satisfying Simplicity, go to Joanna shares her experience in manifesting one's dreams in "Spiritual Principles that Grow Corn," downloadable at She is available for individual or group work and is always thrilled to support others as they discover and carve out their own unique paths. You can contact her at joanna108@ A Lesson I've Learned We've all had them. Those "life lessons" that make us stop and think and possibly see the world, our environment, or even ourselves in a different light; the lessons we'll never forget. Some call them "Aha" moments. Who was your mentor? Was it a teacher, a parent, or your best friend who helped to open your eyes and heart to learn? Maybe even a boyfriend? Or was it man's best friend; a pet? No matter who taught you, or how you learned, we all agree that over time, they are truly unforgettable. What is that one particular lesson that stands out in your mind? Did it change the course of your life, or maybe it wasn't life-altering, but it helped to shape the person you are today. Whatever you lesson, send us your story by entering our contest and win prizes! Deadline: July 31, 2007 Entry Fee: none Prizes include: Share your "lesson learned" with us and win prizes! For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK Laurie Klein's essay, You Would Cry Too, If It Happened to You, was chosen as the winner of the APRIL-MAY Boomer Women Speak Writing Contest. You can read her entry by clicking HERE! NABBW JULY TELESEMINAR ![]() What Women Want (and Need) in Retirement Tuesday, July 31, 2007 7:00 pm EST. ![]() Here are just a items that we will learn on the call, and as always, it will be followed with a "Question and Answer" period at the end:
Through her company, Retirement Living from A to Z, Jan conducts retirement seminars and has traveled extensively investigating places to retire and talking to prospective retirees and those who have taken the plunge. Six years of research and travel culminated in the only guide you'll need for a successful, happy retirement. If you are unable to attend any of our seminars, or if you prefer to hear them at your leisure, then visit the NABBW and sign in on our Member Benefits page which provides links to all our past teleseminars. As an added benefit for our members, you can now choose to listen to these teleseminars, or to open the PDF version and read the entire Teleseminar. These are great to listen to while you are working or playing online. Just another benefit of NABBW! BOOMER BOOK REVIEWS We are happy to review member's books, products and services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you are interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or service. NOTE: Once your book has been submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books and products sent for reviews will not be returned. Falling in Love Again Monica Morris, PhD Reviewed by by Melinda Cianos Buy this Book ![]() Dr. Morris answers questions dealing with online dating, future sexual relations, and everything in- between. She includes a chapter titled "Useful Resources" that offers a wealth of information about match-making services, personal ads, online dating, membership organizations for retired persons and much more. Written with compassion, Falling in Love Again explores self-esteem and confidence issues, and gently suggests ways for the mature woman to embrace all that she has to offer this world, with or without, a companion. Falling in Love Again is also great reading for the younger woman who is beginning to date again and desires to open herself up to romantic possibilities. Morris highlights the fun and energy that comes with meeting new people and how this contributes to women leading vibrant, full and love- filled lives. The confidence that women exude while they are exploring their interests and heart's desires is attractive and compelling and might quite possibly lead to a new and interesting love. Romance awaits! Inspiration to Realization Christine Kloser Reviewed by Melinda Cianos, Buy this Book Finding harmony and balance in our lives---melding together our families, careers, relationships and spirituality---is a noble and worthwhile goal, but not always so easy. Inspiration to Realization offers short, inspiring stories written by women across the country that have fulfilled their dreams and reached their goals. They describe exactly how they managed to push past limitations and boundaries that kept them from blossoming into the women they'd always dreamed of being. The women are Certified Life Transformation Specialists, Transpersonal Psychologists, CEOs, business coaches, nurses, and much more. They are real women with real stories of success and triumph. Each vignette is followed by a brief author biography, including her Web address. I found at least one piece of helpful information in every story that I could use in the quest to find my strengths and talents and to use them to better my life. The section devoted to issues concerning spirituality focused on all the components of a healthy spiritual life---the physical, emotional and mental aspects--- and how to nurture all the pieces of being a whole and healthy woman. I intend to visit several of the Websites mentioned to learn more about the authors and what they have to offer because they were so courageous and compelling. A Stitch in Time Allison Bottke Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, Buy this Book ![]() She's takes on a new job, in a new state, and . . . in a new state of mind. Excited by her own boldness in reinventing her image with gastric bypass surgery, and losing 150 pounds, Dee focuses on the future one step at a time, and of course . . . always in designer shoes. With her new friend and client, Lily, Dee is taught some truths in facing one's inner demons, in forgiveness, unconditional love, and trust. She also meets Carter, a man who does and says all the right things. Could her life become more complicated? Yes, it can, and it does. Read A Stitch in Time and take the journey with Dee as she realizes that while perfection has its place, so does unconditional love, forgiveness of others, and most of all, forgiveness of one's self. You'll find a place for yourself in this novel. The story belongs to all of us. It's an adventure into real life, for real people.
MEMBER COLUMNS PLANNING FOR "THE DAY" By Barbara E. Friesner ![]() She thought the worst was over when she got a tearful letter from her mother asking her only child for financial help. Her mother had loaned them money over the years so she couldn't say no even if she wanted to and my friend was on the verge of panic. When her husband got a call from his mother saying she too needed money, (even though he was one of four sons, his mother came to him for financial help because he was "always the more 'responsible' of the boys"), my friend was way past 'verge' and well into totally freaked out!! Continue reading at this link: The Power of Aromatherapy on Menopause By Cathy Taylor ![]() Aromatherapy can be used to heal symptoms of physical, psychological and emotional discomfort when women move into the perimenopause and menopause years. This phase of life can represent more than half of their adult life if she lives to be 80 years old. So, we need all the menopause relief we can get! Menopause is typically defined as the time when a woman's menstrual cycle stops for at least 12 months. But what about the years leading up to that final stopping point? Continue reading at this link: .html How To Tap Into Your Brilliance By Sheri McConnell ![]() Creating A Supportive Environment Writing partners are a must. More than anything else, a writing buddy or partner will allow you to be validated on a consistent basis. Not just validation of your actual writing, but validation of your time and work. That is why joining organizations like the NAWW are so important in helping you tap into your brilliance. It really is about validation of your purpose. You won't sit down at the computer again and again to write if you don't feel like it is a worthy experience. Continue reading at this link: ON THE WAY TO EMPTYING THE NEST By Natalie Caine ![]() A mother told me during a telephone consultation that her daughter is a junior in high school and crying. Crying because her friends are seniors and leaving for college. She doesn't know if they will even be friends once they go to college. Those tears brought questions to the mom. What will I be like when my daughter leaves? I know it isn't for two years, but already I am dreading the empty nest. I just love her friends coming over and all the school activities my daughter and I share. I don't' care how messy the kitchen is or how I have to dash here and there. I love that feeling of being needed and it will end. This week I have talked with mothers who are meeting new in-laws, planning weddings, anticipating the birth of their grand children and preparing for college, grad school details and cheering their children on with first jobs in the world. Some have talked about their sons leaving for the service, again, and even though they know the drill, they can't bear the goodbyes. Continue reading at this link: The Power of Thinking Small By Prill Boyle ![]() Not Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. Yunus, who aspires to eliminate world poverty and has done more to achieve that goal than almost any philanthropist alive today, won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize last October. How is he going about achieving his dream? The same way most other successful gravity defiers do: by taking one small step after another. Specifically, Yunus gives micro-loans, most of them less than $150, some as little as $9, to millions of rural villagers to start small businesses. Continue reading at this link: prillboyle.html The Sky is Falling! By Georgia Richardson ![]() I have this friend who I call "Chicken Little." She's always forecasting doom and gloom and that's not all. Chicken knows every "Old Wives Tale" ever told and follows her horoscope as if it were her life's blueprint. I've suggested they rename Horoscopes to "Hormonal-scopes" for us boomer-age women because Menopause and wacky hormones determine what we allow to transpire in our daily lives, horoscope or not! And so forth, and so on. But Chicken is a hoot. I said to her yesterday, "My, the sky sure is blue today" to which she replied, "Yeah, but it will probably rain. I heard it was raining like cats and dogs in Memphis, Tennessee." I stared at her for a second as a mental image of her being dropped on her head as a baby immediately formed in my head. It could explain a lot since Memphis is nearly 300 miles west of us."DON'T TOUCH ME!" I've never put any stock into her forecasts until- Continue reading at this link: georgiarichardson.html BUT, IT WILL TAKE TOO LONG By Nan S. Russell ![]() A microcosm of differing work styles, I found it fascinating to watch. In one area, a half-dozen people were standing around, leaning against the crates and talking, as one young woman went about unpacking the boxes and organizing the materials. Ah yes, I recognized those don't-exert-too-much- effort-until-the- boss-arrives people. In another space, I noticed some just-enough-to-get- by folks, more focused on getting their booth done, than getting it done right. Continue reading at this link: nanrussell.html The Penny Story By Julie Clark Robinson ![]() The poor kid had been stuck at the baby pool because it's too hard for me in the big pool to handle his three- year old sister and watch him at the same time. (What can I say? I wasn't quite the lifeguard other moms seemed to be.) At the baby pool, my daughter was thrilled with the ducky slide and went down it for the bulk of the afternoon. Which left my son bored. After a cursory spin of the plastic boats and a few shots of water to my head with the whale squirt gun, my plastic bag of tricks had lost its luster. That's when I spotted the penny and had a flashback to my own earplug years. Continue reading at this link: julierobinson.html Mind Over Muscle By Mary Pearsall ![]() Mindful Walking 1. The first thing to concentrate on when you begin your walk is your breathing. Of course, breathing is so automatic that this may seem strange at first. The more you do it the more natural it will be and you will come to really appreciate the exchange of oxygen in a whole new way. Continue reading at this link: marypearsall.html A New Path By Donna Shepherd ![]() A guest minister at our church told us how, when he chose his former profession, he knew he'd made the right choice. Wrong. God had other plans. This man had a congenital birth defect. The Lord not only healed him, but also called him to preach. He said God set him on 'a new path I didn't know was there.' When he made that statement, it reminded me of one of the original Nintendo games. My favorite part of the game entailed finding a secret path or a hidden door. I could play that game for hours - becoming the best player my son knew and sort of a hero when I beat the game. One day he brought his friends to our house after school. It seems he'd bragged his mother could beat the dragon. They came to get the proof. I became far too obsessed with the game. Continue reading at this link: donnashepherd.html Men Are Human Too By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski, Ph.D. ![]() But these experts never say how true love and real romance are created and kept alive once the marriage vows have been taken. What does a man do with pursuit and capture once the pursuit is over and the capture is complete? Instead these "experts" teach that the best a woman can expect from her man is a form of role playing and, at best, compromise. TOUGH GUY NO LONGER While this may still be the case for some men who were raised by brutish fathers and needy mothers, our experience over the past eighteen years suggests just the opposite. Continue reading at this link: judithsherven.html Boomer Quiz By Jan Cullinane ![]() 1. What year was it? "Gunsmoke" begins a 20-year run "The Lawrence Welk Show" premieres Ray Kroc gives us McDonald's Walt Disney opens Disneyland 2. Whose was the first Presidential Inauguration to be televised nationwide? 3. James Dean met his death in a fatal auto crash. What kind of car was he driving? Continue reading at this link: THE BEST PROTECTION By Janet Horn, M.D. ![]() First, what we do know. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, with over one million cases diagnosed each year. The most common type of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma (scc), has been proven to be caused by sun exposure so that obviously, sun block will protect against this cancer. However, and this may surprise you as it did me, sun block has not been proven to protect against the most deadly form of skin cancer, melanoma, as well as another common form, basal cell carcinoma (bcc). So, if that's the case, why wear sunblock at all? Continue reading at this link: Final Lessons from Our Parents By Karen Baar ![]() Perhaps nothing reminds us that the minutes of our lives are ticking away as does the death of a parent. My mother died last year and, in the ensuing months, I've seen my dad slowly and surely diminish. Sure, we all know we're going to die, but now I acknowledge that information in a way I never did before. I'm experiencing a "cosmic shudder," or what the novelist Elizabeth Berg has described as "feeling the rush of air down the unprotected back of the neck." When I was pregnant for the first time, a friend who already had a child told me that no matter what anyone said, no one can truly prepare you for the experience of being a parent. My husband (now ex) and I shrugged him off, disbelieving. Yet, of course, he was on the money. Becoming a parent is an experience unlike any other - the fierce love for and attachment to your child and the new and piercing vulnerability that comes with it. Continue reading at this link: Grandeur at The Biltmore By Carol Sorgen ![]() World leaders, television and movie stars, and music legends have all been guests of this beautiful retreat- and now, so have I! Built at the height of Florida's land boom in the 1920s, the Biltmore was the dream of Coral Gables developer George Merrick and Biltmore hotel magnate John McEntee Bowman. Merrick's vision in developing the city of Coral Gables itself was to evoke the best of Mediterranean architecture. In planning for the Biltmore, Merrick's idea was to build "a great hotel . . . which would not only serve as a hostelry to the crowds which were thronging to Coral Gables but also would serve as a center of sports and fashion." Continue reading at this link: Forgiveness: A key ingredient in the Kingdom of Permanent Fat Removal By Janice Taylor ![]() Holding a grudge against oneself - being unforgiving for what we perceive to be horrific dietary crimes and misdemeanors - can only impede our progress. There is absolutely no point in unleashing mammoth- sized portions of anger or the relentlessly chastising inner voice upon ourselves. Confess your dietary sins, forgive yourself and move on. Remember that one slice of cake does not a fat person make. Get back on the wagon NOW . . . laughing and smiling, if you please! Continue reading at this link: Positioning Strategies for Boomer Women By Jennifer Kalita ![]() Many boomer business owners think they're good at what they do, and they're right. The problem is that a lot of other boomer entrepreneurs are, too. Competence and even excellence are only one part of the successful entrepreneurial equation. In a crowded marketplace, how will you differentiate yourself? The short answer is positioning, which basically amounts to the perception you create among your prospects that you are the ultimate solution to their needs. You need to give as much thought and planning to how you will position yourself as you do to profit margins, as I can promise you that one definitely affects the other. How will potential customers see you in relation to your competitors? Continue reading at this link:
MEMBER NEWS Jan Cullinane Here are a list of Jan's upcoming public appearances which are open to the public: August 3 - 5 Irvine, California. Please see for more info. September 7 - 9 Parsippany, NJ. Please see for more info. September 14-15 Reston, Virginia Please see for more info. November 9 - 11 Fort Lauderdale, FL. Please see for more info. Yana Berlin is an online sorority for women in their prime. We don't claim that we can save your marriage, bring your kids back home, or help you find nirvana. But we can stimulate your thinking and change your perspective giving you the opportunity to live your life to the fullest. Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D., Pamela D. Blair, author of The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife and Beyond, just returned from a fabulously successful book signing event at the matinee performance of "Menopause the Musical" showing at the Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany, NY. Books and boas were flying (even the cast wanted autographed copies) and non-stop laughter punctuated a great time had by all. See website for details as they unfold KC Christensen-Lang TAKING BOOMER WOMEN TO THE TOP! Member KC Christensen-Lang, Success Coach and PR Consultant is offering free one-hour PR phone consultations to those who want to grow their business, increase publicity, promote products/services and reduce stress. Want to work smarter not harder? Designed to support you, check out her NEW website: . Betty Dobson In the wee small hours of the morning on Friday, June 22nd, Betty's short story "Baby Angels" hit #5 on the Amazon Shorts bestseller list! (And it's at #3 for the Literature & Fiction subcategory.) AMAZON. Allison Bottke Allison will be conducting an international Blog Tour for the release of her newest novel, One Little Secret throughout the month of August. If you have a blog and would like to host Allison in the month of August, please contact Allison's blog tour coordinator, Heather Diane Tipton at Find out why folks are saying that Allison writes "women's fiction with an attitude!"at Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw Jaw is giving away money and prizes with a new contest called YOU NAME IT. Visit her Queendom and sign up for her free newsletter to be eligible to enter. For the contest guidelines, go to and then click on Jaw Jaw Contests.
THANK YOU! to the following for sharing information about NABBW and BWS: Toby Devens Author of My Favorite Midlife Crisis, Yet! for including information about the NABBW on her site and in her blog. Jane Carroll, host of the Loving Life Radio Show for including the NABBW as a sponsor in her newsletters. Dr. Karen Stephen (aka Doctor Flamingo), for always mentioning NABBW and BWS in all her newsletters. KC Christensen-Lang, for including the NABBW in her ezine, Vitual Moment of Joy. Karen Wright Thanks for mentioning the NABBW in every ezine you send to your mailing list. We appreciate your help with spreading the word about NABBW. Kristine Lewis Thanks for featuring the NABBW in your newsletter. Eileen Kisailus Thanks for including information about BWS and the NABBW in your newsletters. Rosemary Lichtman, Ph. D. and Phyllis Goldberg, Ph. D. Thanks for including our contest on your blog and in your newsletter. E. Lucas Taylor Thanks for including our contest in your blog:BLOG. Mohamed Al Reedy ARTICLE Thanks for publishing my article. RECENT READS While looking at the growing stack of books under my desk, I realized it's been some time since I shared what I've been reading lately. I hope you'll consider researching them at Amazon for your next read. Elizabeth Gilbert Buy this Book ![]() Connie Pombo Buy this Book
Thank you for connecting, encouraging and supporting boomer women. May we all be enlightened, educated and empowered! TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new friends. Please email if you no longer want to receive this publication.
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