Dear Dotsie, ""The best way to find
yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
---Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi
![]() Greetings, This time of year, we can get caught up in "all things me." I have to shop. I better clean this. I must cook such and such which is so and so's favorite. I better run and get more--do I have enough ____(fill in the blank). This year I recommend we change our attitudes from servitude to servanthood. If we feel like the martyrs, it's no fun. However, if we consider what we are doing as our gift to others, it changes things. Then we are thinking happy thoughts about our loved ones while preparing. My wish is that we can all play this little mind game because it will surely lift our spirits. And while we're at it, why don't we ask for help? When the chores are split among family members and friends, there is a sense of camaraderie. There's a feeling that everyone is pitching in and our spirits are lifted because we're all in this together. This issue is packed with gems. Be sure you use them to help your live a more passionate midlife. I wish everyone a Thanksgiving that leaves you feeling grateful and appreciated. Onward with grace, Dotsie What's the latest media news with the National Association of Baby Boomer Women and Boomer Women Speak? To read all about it, click HERE! Testimonial! Dotsie Bregel is the voice of the Baby Boomer women generation. The National Association of Baby Boomer Women and Boomer Women Speak web sites have deep truths that we all can relate to. I look to Dotsie Bregel for guidance, education and inspiration. She is truly a gift to us all. - Linda Hollander, Wealthy Bag Lady, Founder of the Women's Small Business Expo
FORUM NEWS FOR NOVEMBER: Featured Author of the Month Award-winning author of the HowToDoItFrugally series of books for authors, Carolyn Howard-Johnson is busy in the forums this month answering all of our marketing, branding, editing, and publishing questions. Don't miss out! To read all that has transpired, or to ask your own questions, visit the Featured Author of the Month in the Boomer Women Speak Forums. The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women. NABBW promises:
![]() and win an entry for this fabulous give-away. Five Books, CD, DVD and a T-shirt!
The Boomer Women Resource Center is continuing to expand it's resources and as always, we are committed to addressing all of your baby boomer needs. We hope you'll use these comprehensive and growing resources as your learning and educational center and guide. THE BOOMER HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE Dotsie is excited to share ![]() Don't forget, you can send me any topics you would like us to address, or notify me if you are an expert on anything pertaining to boomer women that might be an excellent addition to the cybrary. To begin your shopping experience, click SHOP NOW! Life and career coach, Elizabeth Cassidy, is offering NABBW members 20% off their first month of coaching when they sign up for a 3- month coaching commitment. Visit the NABBW MEMBER ONLY section for the details about this offer. You'll also be able to call for quick coaching sessions, or can email Elizabeth with questions or concerns in-between regular coaching sessions. Penny Leisch ![]() Kathy Vick, Life Coach for Kathy is offering NABBW members a chance to help the victims of the California fires. She'll contribute $100 of your coaching fee and match it for a total contribution of $200 to the Red Cross when you sign up for a 3-month coaching commitment. "Helping women connect with God's big picture for their life" is Kathy's coaching mission. Email to take advantage of this opportunity to start making changes in your life and to help our family and friends in California. Please put "NABBW Offer" in the subject line. |
- For Baby Boomer Women Everywhere!! Any boomer woman wishing to join can do so by simply by visiting HERE and entering the forum community. It's that easy, and you can view many thousands of posts sharing what's on the hearts and minds of boomer women while you're there. ![]() Buy this book! ![]() The main character, Charlie has been drunk so often and disappointed his daughter so many times that she doesn't invite him to her wedding. He even fails at his suicide. Or does he? When his deceased mother returns to love him unconditionally for one more day, he's not quite sure what's going on. Already a member of the forum community? Then go directly to the Boomer Women Book Club or, to read all the comments this far, click BOOK CLUB.
MEMBER Ah, remember the smells of Thanksgiving? Those pumpkin pies baking in the oven, the turkey and dressing, the DESSERTS! Or maybe your favorite memory isn't food at all. Does it include lively "after dinner" conversations and stories that seem to take on a life of their own? Do they seem to grow with each passing year? Let yourself wander back to the tradition of family dinners and tall tales. Give us your favorite Thanksgiving memory. Paint us a picture with words that will have our mouths watering and hearts full of family, friends, and fun. Send us your story by entering our contest and win prizes! Deadline: November 30, 2007 Entry Fee: none Prizes include: Share your story with us and win prizes! For guidelines visit us at BOOMER WOMEN SPEAK ******** Winner of the AUGUST- SEPTEMBER Boomer Women Speak Writing Contest was Mary Anne Hahn with her essay, My Butterfly Year. To read Mary Anne's story, click HERE! NABBW DECEMBER TELESEMINAR -- Helen Gallagher Boomer Tech Skills 7:00 PM EST Helen Gallagher, Founder of Computer Clarity will be offering a one hour teleseminar on boomer technical skills. She launched Computer Clarity, a software consulting and training business in 1996 after a long career in executive positions at Jim Beam Brands, Envirodyne Industries, and AT&T. Spend an hour with us, getting comfortable with technology. Besides having fun, here are ten things you'll learn on the call: 1. Opportunities for taking classes online - language, writing, starting a business 2. Shopping - internet safety, dealing with reputable vendors, keeping good (paperless) records 3. Top tech toys for kids 4. 25 words on the nuts & bolts of internet safety 5. We can't move ahead if we don't stay current 6, The seven essential email skills 7. Avoid the teenager crutch 8. Choose your best time to learn 9. Selecting software 10. Have confidence in yourself - you know more than you think Mark you calendar now for this "learn it all" teleseminar, and we hope you'll join us! NABBW NOVEMBER TELESEMINAR Working From Home - The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide for Boomer Women www.themodernwomansdivorceguide .com Helene Taylor, President and Founder of The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide hosted this information-packed teleseminar for the NABBW members. If you missed this teleseminar, visit the NABBW Member ONLY page which provides links to all our past teleseminars. If you are unable to attend any of our seminars, or if you prefer to hear them at your leisure, then visit the NABBW and sign in on our Member ONLY page which provides links to all our past teleseminars. As an added benefit for our members, you can now choose to listen to these teleseminars, or to open the PDF version and read the entire Teleseminar. These are great to listen to while you are working or playing online. Just another benefit of NABBW! BOOMER BOOK REVIEWS We are happy to review member's books, products and services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to NABBW members. Please email us if you are interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or service. NOTE: Once your book has been submitted, please allow ample time for the book to be read and reviewed. Books and products sent for reviews will not be returned. Tracie Peterson, Allison Bottke and Dianne O'Brien Bethany House Publishing Reviewed by by Dotsie Bregel, Buy this book! If you're a boomer and still feel like you have to do it all, think again. While this is something we were told as young women, these three authors share that we can't do it all without something suffering. Written from a biblical perspective, they share honest and practical stories that will help ease your pain of having to be all things to all people. Recognizing God's desire for us to take adequate time for ourselves so we can live balanced lives, awakens us to the fact that it's healthy to set boundaries at home, work and in the community. You will receive permission to say no and make choices while considering your own joy factor because you deserve to be joyful. This is a practical book worth reading and sharing with our daughters. Don't Call Me Mother Linda Joy Myers Reviewed by by Melinda Cianos Buy this book! ![]() She allows the reader into her troubled world---we feel her devastation each time she is left behind by her mother. The scenes of little Linda at the tender age of four, standing at the train station sending her mother off yet again---the high-pitched whistle of the train echoing her exhaustion, loneliness and misery---are gut-wrenching. The reader wants to rush in and rescue her, help her understand, and move her away from the dysfunction that threatens to ruin her. However, in the very next sentence we witness her miraculously bouncing back on her own. We wonder how she does it; how she is able to taste the sweetness of anything that life has to offer when her world is colored by chaos and destruction, but she does. We love and admire her for it. She carries us to the very end of it all and we are moved to understand that she is going to be okay; that we will be okay. Linda Joy Myers is a superb writer and her offering, Don't Call Me Mother, is a gift. She has allowed herself healing through her words and exploration; she presents us with a means to travel on our own healing journey. Her book imparts love and forgiveness in its rawest form. Do not miss the opportunity to experience it for yourself. Got Teeth? A Survivor's Guide: How to keep your teeth or live without them! By Saundra Goodman Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, Buy this Book Got Teeth? A Survivor's Guide was informative, most educational, and very entertaining. Saundra Goodman has combined years of research with her own personal journey through periodontal disease which resulted in the loss of half of her own teeth and her only option, dentures. Think you know all you need to know as far as good oral hygiene is concerned? Again I say-think again. For instance, here's a little something I learned from reading Got Teeth? A Survivor's Guide: Fact number one: Did you know that gum disease is a leading cause of heart attacks? And did you also know that it is now the second leading risk factor for them behind only smoking? Fact number two: Baking soda is actually very abrasive and can ruin the enamel on your teeth These are just a couple of health factors among many buried within the pages of this very educational, very informative, and even humor-filled manuscript turned reference guide for me. I actually read this book twice! I want to add that I was astonished, yet fascinated at the different cultures approaches to dental care throughout history. Included are the Chinese, Romans, (I won't give away the Chinese, Babyloians, or the Egyptian's early beliefs, but it involved live mice, donkeys, and other things!), and the Phoenicians, just to name a few. Were you aware that the Chinese invented the modern bristle toothbrush in the '40's because they believed that "tooth worms" invaded their mouths? Yet another historical fact; ancient dentists paid soldiers to bring them the teeth of a dead soldier from the battlefield so that they could have a never-ending supply of teeth for research. For every adult who wants to learn the importance of good oral hygiene and how it can affect one's overall health, and importantly, if you can say yes to having a history of dental problems, unexplained bad breath, or bleeding gums and would like to know more about preventive maintenance, then pick up a copy of Got Teeth? A Survivor's Guide. Is dental care important? Got teeth?-Want to keep them?
MEMBER COLUMNS How to Not Stress Thanksgiving By Barbara E. Friesner ![]() Unfortunately, however, knowing that this might be the last Thanksgiving with an aging loved one can produce enormous pressure to make the holiday especially significant. Continue reading at this link: More from Barbara Do you ever wonder? By Robin Miller ![]() There may be real cause to worry. According to a national survey, twenty-two percent of women 18 and over will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. One of the red flags is a partner who is possessive. Young girls are particularly vulnerable. In the beginning of a relationship, they may mistake possessiveness for caring. Initially it may make them feel loved and special. What you need to watch for if you are worried about your friend or loved one is a sign or signs that her partner is isolating her. Continue reading at this link: More from Robin Feng Shui Organizing- Use the "Natural Forces of the Universe" to Organize Your Life By Sheri McConnell ![]() When translated into English, feng shui means "the way of the wind and water" or "the natural forces of the universe." People all over the world practice a form of feng shui. Europeans call it "geomancy," while Hawaiians and Native Americans practice their own form of feng shui. To organize your life using feng shui, it is helpful to learn more about the elements of our earth as well as the basic principles of feng shui. Continue reading at this link: More from Sheri Home for the Holidays By Natalie Caine ![]() I have a list below that might give everyone a heads up on this transition. Children will come back from college, work, travel, their homes and some won't be able to make it. Winter break for college children can last for three to four weeks. Continue reading at this link: More from Natalie Who's the REAL Turkey By Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw Jaw ![]() How about I tell you how every single year my family plots behind my back via cell phones and late night conversations to have me NOT COOK. It plays out the same, identical scenario, year after year. They haven't caught on yet that I don't even WANT to cook. Hello? I show up, eat, do a few dishes, and leave. What's not to like? Continue reading at this link: More from Georgia Hot Coals By Nan S. Russell ![]() Continue reading at this link: More from Nan 12 Secrets to Great Romance for the Rest of Your Life By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski, Ph.D. ![]() All you have to do is begin practicing the first of these ten steps. When you feel comfortable, add the next one that attracts you most. Before long you'll notice a difference in your confidence, self-respect, your capacity to give and receive love and, of course, the intimacy that makes it all worthwhile. Continue reading at this link: More from Judith Resume Writing and Interviewing By Jan Cullinane ![]() Don't feel obligated to list every job you've ever had; concentrate on those positions that are pertinent to the employment you are seeking. If you're looking to change careers, or if you're reentering the workforce after a hiatus, concentrate on the transferable skills applicable to the new position, and downplay job titles if necessary. Continue reading at this link: More from Jan Chocolat a Paris By Carol Sorgen ![]() I know, it was a tough assignment, but hey, I was up to the challenge. And it was all in the name of research, wasn't it? Continue reading at this link: More from Carol How to Stay Motivated! By Janice Taylor ![]() A few NABBW members, friends and even a family member have asked me, "What to do? How can I to stay motivated?" Ahhh--the $64 million question! People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -that's why we recommend it daily. ~ Zig Ziglar There's your answer! Zig Ziglar said it best. We have to renew our enthusiasm, motivation, Joie de Vie on a daily basis! I sip my morning coffee and think about where I'm going, how I'm getting there, and then I read something that fires me up and carries me through the day. (Once in awhile it's something I wrote! Major thrill that day.) Continue reading at this link: More from Janice
MEMBER NEWS Amy Ammons Mullis Mind Over Mullis Amy's essay "The Greatest Gig on Earth" is included in A Cup of Comfort for Writers, published in September, and her romantic story of getting love right the second time around, "Some Like It Hot," appears in Chicken Soup for the Chocolate Lover's Soul, due out this month. You can join her as she tries to adjust to life "When the carseats are empty, but the nest is still full" at Mind Over Mullis Joanna Brandt In "LOSS is inevitable, GRIEF is natural, HEALING is gradual" eighteen authors impart personal stories that span the journey from the pain of loss through the dark days of grief to the grace of healing. Buy it at Conceived and edited by Joanna Brandt, founder of Radiance Publishing, this book provides the support of a community of mourners to everyone who has experienced one of life's losses, from the end of a job to the death of a loved one. Elizabeth Cassidy, CTACC Creative Life and Career Coach As the founder of Branching Out Life Coaching, Elizabeth supports and motivates her clients to uncover creative solutions to whatever is blocking them from going forward in their lives. By challenging and holding her clients accountable, Elizabeth's clients begin to tap into their own creativity and courage and develop plans to start their own business or change careers, paint in Paris for a year or shed those old tired layers of insecurity that are keeping them from leading an authentic life. For a Complimentary Coaching Consultation, please email Elizabeth at: Allison Bottke was recently interviewed on the Christian Work At Home Moments podcast about her second novel,, One Little Secret. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW. She is the founder of Jan Cullinane Jan was interviewed by Rhett Palmer for his radio show (WFLA 1370). Her topic was The New Retirement based on her book which can be found at Leigh Anne Jashaway-Bryant Looking for the perfect gift to honor and celebrate your girlfriends? In award-winning writer, Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant's new novel, Life is Funny: A Riveting Tale of Comedy, Hairdressing, and Texas Politics, friends help each other find true love, chase their dreams, recover from bad relationships, and run for governor! Filled with laughter and reminders of why girlfriends are so important in our lives, Life is Funny is available at and Lorraine Keller Coming soon: relief for hot flashes. Life Quality Technologies, LLC is developing a discreet, wearable product to cool you instantly when a hot flash begins. Help us understand your needs by taking our brief survey. Meredith Laskow has finally finished her new writing website --- except for the last page, which is where YOU come in. I need more reciprocal links! If your website is writing-related, you'll be added to my Literary Links page. For non-writing links, you'll appear on the page Friends. Email , Of course, I'm still making my wonderful jewelry And just for NABBW members, I'm offering free regular worldwide shipping on all jewelry orders. Lorena McCourtney Lorena has two novels releasing in October. Your Chariot Awaits is Book #1 in her new Andi McConnell Mysteries series from Thomas Nelson. The Blue Moon , a trade-paperback size release of a book that originally came out in hardcover for the Guideposts book club. Both are available in many bookstores, or on the internet at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Marcia Merrill Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, overwhelmed? It's tough to know when and how to make a career change. Visit Marcia, the Transistion Chick at her site and let her help you on your path to making successful changes at midlife Cyndi Norris RN Komen Race for the Cure has been dear to her heart since losing her parents to cancer and watching her sister go through breast cancer. Cyndi has redirected her nursing career and now educates people about toxins in their homes and what they can do to decrease their own risks of cancer. She shops a Wellness company of toxin free products and has experienced the benefits of doing so. For more information on this, please email her at Carol D. O'Dell Carol, author of Mothering Mother was interviewed by CNN. Enjoy this link to her interview. Dr. Nancy D. O' Reilly On Tuesdays, through January 22, 2008, at 2 PM EST/1PM Central/11 AM Pacific, Timeless WomenSpeak will feature expert guests and news for women about careers, health, finances, relationships, and growing older. A member of the American Psychological Association, she has more than 25 years of counseling experience. Her host page features live and archived shows. For the perfect gift, don't miss Dr. Nancy's Big Holiday Sale. Connie Pombo,, Dana Hall, Tell Your Story Have you found your passion in life through pain, loss, or tragedy? Here is your opportunity to tell your story and inspire others. NABBW members, Connie Pombo, author, writer, speaker and Dana Hall, founder, editor of Passionate for Life online magazine, invite you to submit your story for their book, "Taking Flight: Living Life Passionately". Writers Guidelines. We look forward to hearing from you and reading your stories! Tell us NABBW sent you. Patricia M Terrell Following the release of her latest book, Songbirds are Free, and after completion of her 3-state book tour, Ms Terrell attended the annual BOOK EM festival in Waynesboro, VA, of which she is the co-founder. For more information, please visit
RECENT READS Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy sharing my reads with others. Here's what I read last month. Please email me if you can recommend any great books. ![]() Kelly Corrigan Buy this Book ![]() Carolyn Howard-Johnson Buy this Book ![]() Deborah Smith Pegues Buy this Book For NABBW members, you can get the latest FREE issue of BeE Magazine using the promo link found at the Members Only section at the NABBW. Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at and ![]()
TAKE TIME TO VISIT OUR SISTER SITE is the # 1 site on search engines for "baby boomer women." Join us in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and receive advice, and make new friends. Please email if you no longer want to receive this publication. Click Below to View other Newsletters 10/01/2007 October Boomer Women's World
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