Inspiration |
 | Message of Hope by Kathleen Gage A book for anyone dealing with uncertainties, written to bring comfort during change.
 | Gratitude Works: Open Your Heart to Love by Eileen Bodoh A daily reading of 5 things to be grateful for on every subject.
 | OUTER STRENGTH, INNER STRENGTH: Weekly Messages for Today's Woman by Ginnie Mesibov A collection of 52 essays written as personal letters from the author to the reader urging today's woman to run life's race with courage and confidence by recognizing and using her God-given strengths and skills. Mesibov addresses issues such as: waiting for medical test results, being angry and out of control; benefiting from laughter; watching loved ones suffer; finding time when you don't have time; and many more while answering the question, "What am I doing here?"
 | God Allows U-Turns by Allison Gappa Bottke God Allows U-Turns is the foundation of an international outreach that empowers others to make life-changing choices
 | The Sequoia Seed: Remembering Who You... by Karen Wright 21st century citizens are a determined breed. We work hard; we play hard. We strive to have it all. But, on the backside of life's rat race many of us are wearily disillusioned and wondering why we're really here. Owning possessions gives way to finding purpose and achieving status surrenders to attaining significance. Author Karen Wright eloquently and insightfully turns our dispirited heads from the what is of our lives to remind us that our true destiny is magnificence ? we've merely gotten derailed. The Sequoia Seed is a treasure map that will guide you back to the inner wisdom you've forgotten and put your feet solidly on the path to creating the life you've always hoped yours to be.
 | Grandparents Rock by Pat Burns Grandparents Rock is a useful and inspirational book for the today's grandparents. Along with the authors own stories and essay's she interviewed over one hundred grandparents to find the perfect 19 contributing authors. Blending their personal and tale telling stories and examples of how this hip-n-happening generation is reinventing the word grandparent. It's been called a paper version of You Tube.
 | Water Running Downhill! by Joan Ellen Gage A humorous & inspirational romp for women in midlife. It is poetry, but don't let that scare you; it rarely rhymes! The book contains photos that complement the poems. These are generally pretty wacky! The author is a late bloomer-boomer who wants to encourage others to change their own lives. Joan Ellen Gage is a dental hygienist who has spent her lifetime motivating patients. Writing is now her passion.
 | Last Day of Victimization by LINDA D. WATTLEY The author writes about books pertaining to all forms of abuse mainly molestation. Her book LAST DAY OF VICTIMIZATION in a nonfiction revealing her journey to healing and how victims of all walks of life can personally begin their healing process. There is an eight step program to begin healing from victimization.
 | Learning Later, Living Greater by Nancy Merz Nordstrom, M.Ed. "Learning Later, Living Greater: The Secret for Making the Most of Your After-50 Years," is a guidebook for transforming the retirement years into a richly satisfying period of continuous education, personal growth and social involvement.
 | It's Your Life, Take Charge by Diana S. Dodson BA Sociology minor Psychology Masters work Criminology. Group, individual, and marriage and family counseling.
Tests to help determine ones compatibility with their partner.
This book doesn't just tell you what to do, but how to do things. Ideas and examples after each section.
 | Wake Up Your Life! by Doris Roper What would you do if you had three major relationships in your life and the same woman interfered in all three of them? How would you handle it? This is what happened to Doris Roper, and it became her wake up call. She chose to use this crisis as the starting point of an inner journey that woke up her life and put her where she is today—with a fabulous marriage, a challenging and fulfilling profession, and a story that inspires and motivates other women to follow her example. This book is a woman's guide to REAL personal power.
 | Second Bloom by Anne Marie Smith Second Bloom is a book written for midlife women who want or need to make a change in their lives but don't know how or to what. The book walks readers through a 10-step process that helps them create a new vision for their lives, identify and smash through obstacles, and create strategies and a plan of action. This book is about rediscovering your spirit and zest for life by transitioning from old to new.
 | The Well-Tempered Life by R. Danielle Gault This book assists in defining your natural preferences and approaches to life, how to maintain balance using yoga and reflexology, and personality problem solving tools and insights.
 | Focused Reflections by Marcia Lee Laycock Marcia is an award-winning Christian author. Her devotionals have been widely published and distributed on the web. Her work is endorsed by notable Christian authors, Janette Oke, Phil Callaway and Mark Buchanan.
Focused Reflections is designed for those women who are often asked to 'bring a devotional' on a special occassion such as Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
 | Sixty, Sexy, Sassy and Free: A Real Woman's Story of ReInvention by Ann Fry Enter the world of Ann Fry, a 60-year young, independent woman embarking on a journey of starting anew and finding herself. It begins with Ann blowing out candles on her 60th birthday cake, announcing to her friends/family that she's ready to leave her Austin, Texas home and move to New York City. And, so begins the journey. It's a story filled with honesty, humor, the realities of dating at this age, sex, anxiety about “surviving in the Big Apple,” physical concerns, loss, a few details from the past, and more angst… and finally, the triumph of Re-Invention success.
 | 30 DAYS TO A NEW YOU by Monica Magnetti Monica Magnetti, the Get What You Want Coach, has written 30 DAYS TO A NEW YOU to inspire women to get to know themselves so that they can intentionally create the life they want—and get it! Organized into an easy-to-follow, incremental process and chockfull of practical tools and exercises—and inspiration!—this is the ideal book for anyone seeking authentic change, whether you've done extensive work on your own journey or just begun to address the bigger issues in your life.
 | God's Funny That Way by Lori Quaranta Lori Quaranta is a 20 year survivor of a ruptured brain aneurysm. She also reinvented her career 4 years ago at age 48 and is a small business internet PR marketing specialist. Her book, God's Funny That Way, is a true story about her life altering journey from surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm, to the realization that through God's ever present love and nurturing, anything is possible.
 | Get Off The Couch, Potato by Kathi Casey, Healthy Boomer Body Expert Kathi Casey is a well-known public speaker, writer and fitness coach with a strong background in both Yoga and Pilates. The book is a light-hearted, 30-day fitness regime designed to help lose weight and increase metabolism.
 | Grandma's Letters from Africa by Linda K. Thomas (Memoir) A midlife career sent this grandma to Africa where she experienced adventures most grandmas could never imagine.
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