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Women's Issues | |  | Defying Gravity: A Celebration of Late-Blooming Women by Prill Boyle "Defying Gravity recounts the stories of 12 women--13 including the author herself--who, midlife and beyond, summoned the courage to explore their talents and pursue their dreams. Woven in between these stories are excerpts from the author's journal in which she shares not only her thoughts about meeting the women and what she learned from them, but also lets readers witness the step-by-step process of her own dream coming true."
| |  | For My Next Act...Women Scripting Life after Fifty by Karen Baar Using my own personal story as a jumping off point (my husband left me a week after I turned 50), and weaving in the personal stories of dozens of midlife women with interviews of medical, psychological, and social experts, the book is a positive look at an exciting time in women's lives. The baby boomers are now in or approaching their fifties; growing up as the first major wave of emancipated women, we're still breaking ground today.
| |  | The Zen of Organizing: Creating Order and Peace in Your Home, Career and Life by Regina Leeds I have been the resident organizer at iVillage for over 4 years. I just left on April 30 and am in search of a new web based home. My first book "The Zen of Organizing: Creating Order and Peace in Your Home, Career and Life" is a general guide to getting your life in order. From my perspective, you need to organize your physical space to free Soul to communicate what you are supposed to be doing in this lifetime.
| |  | Sharing a Place Without Losing Your Space: a Couples Guide to Blending Homes, Lives and Clutter by Regina Leeds This book is especially helpful to boomer couples who tend to have a lot of 'stuff' between them.
| |  | Be Loved for Who You Really Are by Judith Sherven, Ph.D. and Jim Sniechowsk Be Loved for Who You Really Are lays out the natural and inevitable four passages of love so that you can better understand the necessary and spiritual purpose for the changes and challenges you encounter and not confuse the tough times with disaster or failure. It celebrates the fact that who two people really are is the only foundation for keeping real romance alive throughout dating and marriage.
| |  | Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story by Lynn Tolson This true story begins with a woman's suicide attempt. Afterward, she commits to counseling. The reader accompanies her through therapy, where she discovers life's value.
| |  | Whose Face is in the Mirror? by Dianne Schwartz To outsiders, Dianne Schwartz lived a charmed life. She was a former Mrs. Arizona, modeled for TB commercials, performed as a professional singer and operated her own business. But these aspects of her life were simply a facade hiding a dark secret: Her home life was poisoned by the physical and emotional abuse perpetrated upon her by her new husband.
| |  | The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life by Jan Cullinane and Cathy Fitzgerald The New Retirement has an all-inclusive approach to retirement, including the psychological, financial, biological and geographical (where to retire) aspects of retirement, along with worksheets, quizzes, references, and anecdotes. The New Retirement, targeted to Boomers, is in its sixth printing, and has been highly recommended by the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Publishers Weekly, and the Library Journal.
| |  | Message of Hope by Kathleen Gage A book for anyone dealing with uncertainties, written to bring comfort during change.
| | | How to Conquer menopause by Cathy Taylor with Kathi MacNaughton Everything a woman needs to know when she reaches the perimenopause stage about what to expect from menopause including natural and safe solutions to menopause symptoms.
| |  | June is Hot by Kathy Walsh "June is Hot" is a humorous Past Your Primer storybook for baby boomer women dealing with hot flashes and night sweats. Sense of humor required!
| |  | Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road by Diana Estill Fifty-five hilarious tales that'll make you want to keep your partner, claim your kin and hug your dog. This book of clean humor is a survival guide, bathroom reader, and marital communications aid all rolled into one. Makes a perfect road trip companion or gift book selection.
| |  | Victorious Woman! Shaping Life's Challenges into Personal Victories by Annmarie Kelly Powerful and inspirational. Stories, coaching tools and makeover techniques from women, just like you, who started over, turned their life around and beat the odds. This book will give you hope and help you see greater possiblities for your life and build more confidence in your ability to face your challenges.
| |  | 7 Reasons to be Grateful your the mother by kathy Vick Written by moms, for moms, the Mom2Mom books are vibrant, inspirational, and often humorous reflections on the most difficult job in the world. Each colorful installment reminds moms that they are not alone in the seasonal challenges of motherhood and encourages them to choose an attitude of gratitude. Becoming a step mom is not for sissies. In this candid book, Kathy Vick, a step mom herself, navigates the gravel roads of "blenders" with laughter and grace, in large doses. The question is not why God chose you, Vick reminds moms, but who you can become in the process.
| |  | Mom, Can I Help Around the House? by Janet Nusbaum Written by Janet Nusbaum, a professional organizer and Boomer mom of two daughters adopted from Russia, this family chore system was designed for her own family in 2002 to establish routines and habits for her newly adopted daughter. It later expanded into a workbook and system to help other families (particularly the home manager)to calm the chaos by organizing, systemizing, and delegating household chores, with the goal of everyone in the family contributing their fair share. The system includes a 133-page workbook and a custom-made poly-construction, hand-held chore binder that contains 80+ chore cards designed to hold the chores each child has been assigned. The parent workbook provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the system and is chock full of forms, templates and a comprehensive database/inventory of more than 80 common household tasks. The children take ownership of their own binder and as a result, their family responsibilities.
| |  | Forever Cool: How To Achieve Ageless, Youthful And Modern Personal Style For Men And Women by Sherrie Mathieson The book provides amazing "makeovers" for real men and women over 50. Her sequel on style for boomer moms and their daughters is due out spring 2009. Sherrie Mathieson, worked as an award winning costume designer for film and TV for 28 years. She costumed many celebrities including Susan Sarandon, Brooke Shields, Rita Wilson, Billy Joel's band, Sugar Ray Leonard, Lee Iacocca, Lena Horne, Sela Ward, and Christine Lahti, amongst many more. She collaborated with top directors like Ridley Scott.
| |  | The Woman's Field Guide to Exceptional Living by Corrie Woods As a women's self-care coach, wellness retreat leader and author my passion is supporting women in living lives they wake up excited about. This book is one reflection of that. It's short (for busy women) fun, filled with inspiring words, tips, stories that women can apply to their lives.
| |  | An Illumined Life ~ Retreat & Reflection by Melanie McGhee "BEST Self Help" Winner in two national book awards. This retreat & reflection guide takes the reader on a journey of self acceptance and self discovery with gentle hand. Melanie McGhee is a psychotherapist and coach with more than 20 years experience helping people balance the doing and being of life while connecting with themselves and others in more satisfying and meaningful ways.
| |  | It's Your Life, Take Charge by Diana Dodson BA Sociology minor Psychology, Masters work Criminology. Group, individual, and marriage and family counseling.
Tests to help determine ones compatibility with their partner.
This book doesn't just tell you what to do, but how to do things. Ideas and examples after each section.
| |  | The Bitch, The Crone, and The Harlot: reclaiming the magical feminine at midlife by Susan Schachterle "The three archetypes represented in this book present a brilliant and empowering vision for the second half of a woman's life. They show that this second half can be a time of every-increasing creativity, wisdom, and passion, and completely revise the old idea that it's all downhill after fifty. For women experiencing the unexpected burst of energy that often surges up at this time, this book is a warm friend, rejoicing with us in the enormous possibilities ahead." Anodea Judith, Ph.D. Author of Waking the Global Heart
| |  | Wake up your life! by Doris Roper What would you do if you had three major relationships in your life and the same woman interfered in all three of them? How would you handle it? This is what happened to Doris Roper, and it became her wake up call. She chose to use this crisis as the starting point of an inner journey that woke up her life and put her where she is today—with a fabulous marriage, a challenging and fulfilling profession, and a story that inspires and motivates other women to follow her example. This book is a woman's guide to REAL personal power.
| |  | I'm Not OK, You're Not OK, But That's OK by Shelley Hussey A humor author and speaker, Shelley has written Faith & Values columns for her local newspaper, contributed stories to several books/newsletters, and published an online column titled Shameless Husseys. Her hybrid book is equal parts self-help, memoir, humor, how-to, inspiration, and motivation. I'm Not OK is a refreshing take on dealing with the shame and blame that often coexists with emotional problems such as anxiety and depression, and offers contributions from a psychiatrist and psychologist.
| |  | WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty by Mary Cunningham, others No map to guide you through the "joys" of middle age? Join three witty, savvy, resourceful women as we chart our own course. Yep! You're invited! As you romp through issues of expanding waistlines, deepening wrinkles, empty nests and muddled memories, we promise you'll find good things to bark about! WOOF!
| |  | Take Charge: A Woman's Guide to a Health by Carolyn Strimike I am a member of NABBW and the co-author of this book. I am a cardiac nurse practitioner specializing in heart disease prevention. This book is a quick, easy reference book designed for the busy woman to help her identify her risk factors for heart disease and develop heart healthy lifestyles. It was written to be read in a couple of hours and is small enough to put in your purse and use as a reference.
| | | The Great Cholesterol Lie by Dr. Dwight Lundell 25 year veteran thoracic surgeon, Dr. Dwight Lundell, reveals the tragedy of the faulty cholesterol theory. He states inflammation causes heart disease which can be treated by following his clinically proven recommendations--without statin medications!
| |  | Sixty, Sexy, Sassy and Free: A Real Woman's Story of ReInvention by Ann Fry Enter the world of Ann Fry, a 60-year young, independent woman embarking on a journey of starting anew and finding herself. It begins with Ann blowing out candles on her 60th birthday cake, announcing to her friends/family that she's ready to leave her Austin, Texas home and move to New York City. And, so begins the journey. It's a story filled with honesty, humor, the realities of dating at this age, sex, anxiety about “surviving in the Big Apple,” physical concerns, loss, a few details from the past, and more angst… and finally, the triumph of Re-Invention success.
| |  | God's Funny That Way by Lori Quaranta Lori Quaranta is a 20-year survivor of a ruptured brain aneurysm. She also reinvented her career 4 years ago at age 48, and is a small business internet PR marketing specialist. Her book, God's Funny That Way, is a true story about her life altering journey from surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm, to the realization that through God's ever present love and nurturing, anything is possible.
| |  | The Blue Cotton Gown: A Midwife's Memoir by Patricia Harman A nurse-midwife's poignant stories about her practice in small-town West Virginia and the patients who open their hearts to her.
| |  | Women Like Us: Real Stories and Strategies by Linda Rendleman, M.S Part stories, part strategies and part attitude, Women Like Us is the story of Linda Rendleman's life as a single mom, cancer survivor and champion of women. It also includes powerful stories from 13 outstanding women with their philosophies on living your best life. These stories, combined with essays and exercise on specific issues for women, make this book an empowering read for all women.
| |  | Red Hot Revolution by Arielle Marie Gobert It's time to be electric, not eccentric- thanks to the ladies who are hot, sexy & over 50. This book was written in praise & celebration of all women who feel life's passion. We have put the world on notice: Nothing can bring down a 'red hot lady". With every book, you receive a free ‘red hot stiletto' lapel pin. Wear it as a symbol of your burning desire to start your own fire. Buy my book and learn the 'red hot' perspective that can change your life! We're not blaming history, we're making it again. Our time is now! We believe we can never run out of dreams, we can only run out of time. Let's not let that happen to us!
| |  | THROUGH THE FIRE: A Women’s Guide to Transformation by Satya Winkelman A beautifully illustrated workbook; a map that helps the reader to navigate the process of change in present time and place, while providing a framework with which to examine the stages through which she has evolved, and provides a glimpse of what lies ahead. Visit the interactive website, play with the artist's sculptures and read an excerpt from the book.
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