Daisygirl, That was a hard lession for me to learn, that the seemingly insignificant moments and encounters can be infinitely more important to the people that are impacted by those "insignificant" encounters than the "big ministry" that I used to hope God had called me to.

My problem is that I will probably never see how far those smallest gestures go, if anywhere at all, so it's tempting to believe I'm useless, and that my feeble ripples of light are meangingless. But God does have better eyesight than I do, and He's helping me to learn that I have to trust that it's enough to do just the little bit that I can in my day-to-day encounters with the people I meet along the way...cashiers, salesclerks, waiters, mail carrier, paperboy, kids in the neighbourhood, even hubby.

In weaker moments, I still think that I ought to be doing more. But since my energy resources and finances make that "more" impossible, then I have to trust that God will find smaller ways to use me...and that makes it "enough" for now.