Since our youngest also left, he couldn't move into the bigger room. However, my daughter who is home for the summer asked if she could have TWO rooms. Honey, there ain't no way I'm letting her have two rooms in this house. One MESSY room is enough. It's amazing how neat she keeps her dorm room, and how ridiculous her room here looks. She's a saver and a stacker. Piles are all over the place. HELP!

I like the idea of a little gym, but like you, I'm not likey to use it. Sigh...

Our oldest is Type A so he always got rid of stuff as he moved along. The only stuff he has is what he wants to have. Everything else was always given away to friends or charities. So yes, all his stuff is gone, absolutely gone!

Now the other son sounds like yours. In fact, there's a pile of Star Wars figures in a pile on his floor right now. When the oldest moved, he liked a wooden box the youngest left behind. So what did he do? Called his brother and asked if he could have it. He said yes so #1 son dumps all the action figures (years old) from the neat, wooden box, onto the floor, and runs with the neat box. And there the mess sits because I haven't made time to do anything about it. They're all so different, aren't they? The youngest has Toy Story figurines, yo-yos, magazines, stacks of photos, yearbooks, posters, old shoes, clothes...get the picture?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.