Well, ladies, there is never a dull moment around here, and believe me, my deathly pale,saggy,wrinkled,swollen purple-circles-under-the-eyes face is proof of that. The cat is finally out of the bag. The universe seems to be coming down around the soon-to-be-ex's shoulders. I almost feel sorry for him... Nah.

Get this: his lady-friend sent him a dear john letter this week (supervised by her angry husband)supposedly calling it quits after about 4 years of hot and heavy, then her husband sends him a threatening letter that says basically we are trying to work things out and you'd better stay away from my wife forever or else. So my husband puts together 2 + 2 and gets 5. He sends me a copy of her husbands letter to him and tells me that it is all my fault! Wow! Somehow he decided that I must have been the one who went berserk and hunted down the woman and her husband (- who I did not even know existed until he called me,) and that I must have made completely false accusations about the two of them which ticked off her husband and started this whole nasty and somewhat dangerous chain of events. He is angry because he says that her husband is a crazed ex-cop and that now I have put her and her son in danger. This is absolutely amazing. Not a word from him about taking responsibility for his own deceit, or acknowledging how gut-wrenching getting that surprise phone call from her husband must have been for me and our kids. No. He is concerned only for himself and his girlfriend, and clearly willing to place the blame on anyone but himself.

I emailed him back that it was in fact her husband who hunted ME down and left the fateful phone message that my children intercepted, which revealed that their father had been having a relationship with this woman for several years. I told him that this was not my drama,I want no part of it and to kindly leave me and our children out of it. I have been doing damage control all week to prevent the children from having a total breakdown,losing their tempers and eliminating their father from their lives forever.

The man is a complete sociopath, and I can't believe that I have been married to this jerk for 20 years. By the way, according to this woman's husband, that's exactly how long she and my husband have know each other. Lovely,eh?

We have a mediation scheduled for this week, and I am afraid that he will be completely freaked out and try everything in his power to make things as difficult as they can possibly be.

Please pray for me and my kids....
