I love this question. I have been both, happily single and happily in a relationship. I would choose happily in a relationship.

I absolutely loved my time being single, and I have spent most of my adult life being single, with a great job, enough money and lots of friends. I dated lots of good men (and lots of creeps), but I was single and loved every minute of being single. I could choose when to be with the current guy and when to be alone.

A few years ago (more than five) I met Dennis and I have not turned back. I love being in a relationship with a man that is great. We have so much in common (a love of travel and learning about different cultures, we are both "foodies",love movies at home, we have art in common and we both enjoy a warm and welcoming home) and so much that is different (I love drama and hate sports, he loves the exact opposite; I love veggies, he loves meat; I enjoy girlfriends, he wants to be in front of his computer) and we support each other in so many ways.

Not so very long ago, I would have answered quite differently, but I had never been in a real and fulfilling realtionship before. As long as this relationship remains in balance and in love, I will prefer the relationship.
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