How true. Simple example...when I was flying to Madison a couple weeks ago my connecting flight was an hour late arriving due to storms!

In additon to that, when we got in the air (and mind you, I don't like flying without my family, and they were all safely on the ground at home) the pilot announced that the flight would be at least a half hour late arriving at our destination becasue of all the storms in the area. Thank you very much. He proceeded to share that he wanted us to stay seated and keep our seat belts on.

This has happened before and one time I was sitting next to my daughter and very quietly hiding my fear when she said to me, "Mom, I know you're scared and that's why you're holding my hand". [Eek!]

Anyway, fear wrapped me like a blanket. My thighs started shaking and I imagined the plane crashing with every little turbulent. I have been on planes that felt like flying dumbo, but this was much worse. [Eek!]

I was praying and pleading with God...and then I got the brilliant idea to pick up my book and take my mind off the fear. [Big Grin]

I promise you it worked immediately. I startd devouring the book I was reading and before I knew it we were landing safely on the groud.

I know we've talked about fear in other forums, but this the kind of terror wasn't just mental, it became thighs were shaking uncontrollably,remember?

I believe God planted the thought to pick up my book and leave the fear behind. It worked like a dream!

I will remember this when fear starts wrapping me in other areas of my life.

Onward without fear! [Big Grin]