Loved, loved, LOVED, jacks! My Aunt and Cousins would come visit us in Washington from Arizona, and my cousin and I would sit for hours and hours playing jacks. Now, I can't seem to get the coordination thing going. It's hysterical! My father put up a tetherball in our back yard (we lived in the country, so there were really no kids for miles our age) and my brother and I would play all the time. But I haven't seen anyone mention Lincoln Logs or Tinker Toys!? Oh, and yes, we had marbles too. In fact, before my Dad passed away, he handed me my bronzed baby shoe, and tucked inside he had saved a couple of the marbles we used to play with. I had to cry when he showed me. They're still in there and a reminder of my Dad's love and sentiment for me. What about "dress-up"? Remember those little high heel shoes made out of hard plastic with the little strap? What wonderful memories!!