My mother still has all of her albums that we grew up on. I remember when it was house cleaning day...she would load the stereo up with all her country singing "YUCKS", clean and sing her heart out. The trouble is back then I hated the music and I had to help her clean. It was pure torture. There was one album and the singer I can't remember right now...but I remember the songs, "King of the Road", "You can't roller skate in a Buffaloe herd", "Dang it", if I heard that album once i've heard it a thousand times...I know those songs from the back of my mind.....Dumb sounding songs at the time when I was young. Now I sing them and have so much fun singing them cause I know the words....hehehe.

Now I hear those songs and I remember how I use to hate them and now I just sing right along with it. My son laughs at me and says "How do you know these songs" I just smile and say...Grandma use to play them when I was young. Funny how when you grow up those songs no longer seem "Yucky anymore.

She still has all my teenage albums of the Monkeys, Grand Funk Railroad, Led zepplin and all my musical albums of My Fair Lady, Sound of Music, Mary Poppins. I don't think her turntable phonograph works anymore but she still has her collection. I have begged her not to get rid of them cause I know they going to be worth something someday.

Man,,,,this going down memory lane makes me feel really old. Technology has come such a long way.