Oh my gosh! I am sitting here crying as I type this. Talk about a thread stiking a chord. I hate to admit it, but I've felt really lonely the last few years. Here I am constantly surrounded by the most wonderful teams of doctors and a husband who has supported me through a really rough time, and yet, when I read Chatty's words, I just welled up and erupted in absolute recognition. I wrote in the Illness thread about all the physical stuff that hasn't killed me, but I swear, sometimes, it seems like it will be the loneliness that does me in. Like so many others, I am trying to take baby steps but they are limited by my medical issues right now, which is why I am so grateful for the internet. It is so good not to feel alone. Thank you to each and every one of you, and here's to all of us finding our purpose and to the support we can find here while we make our journeys.