Y'all have made me feel much, much better. Yes. I have a friend
who ruined her laptop by spilling tea on it. And I like calling
miscues, Queenisms better than stupidity. I remember saying in
one of my posts, "It's hard being human." And Jawjaw thought that
was funny. When our last mainframe computer died, it took out
an entire manuscript; thank God it wasn't the one Sandpiper
currently has in-house. Manuscript number two, I was going rewrite anyways. But the whole darn thing disappeared from view. And as far as being human is concerned, I'm real good at that. There's a country song with a line, "I wish I was a Teddy Bear"; well, more than once, I've wished that. Thanks girls for making me feel better! You are so sweet!!!! Prayers and blessings 2 all of U!!!

Edited by jabber (06/05/10 08:28 PM)