
Although I was not able to attend any of the classes, I was able to speak to several of the speakers and organizers.

I did learn that, locally, we have a "Center for Grief Services", FREE, through the Hospice. What a great thing...and something I never knew! The gal I spoke with said that they've counseled for various topics such as pet loss, friendship losses, job loss etc. But last year they "touched" on infertility, yet it was not hugely popular. That it does come up in some sessions, but not really dealt with.

So, she did ask if I'd consider being a speaker next year. You betcha! We both felt it may not be that popular, but I mentioned the various aspects of "us", the childless not by choice. For example, spouse chooses not to have more/adopt, adoption failures, singlehood etc. And the fact that "caregivers/friends" need to know how to respond to/help/sympathize.

So, may I encourage anyone reading this to call YOUR local Hopsice to see what they offer. I've heard from several sources that these folks are wonderful and compassionate!

While reading their brochure, this statement struck me:

Grief is a natural response to loss and a process of restoring balance in life.

THAT, dear ladies, should be our ultimate goal in life..to have BALANCE RESTORED!

I'd welcome any more discussion or any info you may learn from your local hospice!

We MUST get the word out to those we KNOW are hurting yet do not know where to turn!