I just found this thread, Momacat, and see that you have told us about your losses. I am so sorry and truly understand the way you are feeling. I, too, lost 2 loved ones recently as well as my oldest and dearest friend. Shortly thereafter my daughter got into some kind of 'snit' and decided she didn't want me in her life anymore - I got a horrible letter from her. I was beyond devastated. Since then, she has changed her mind, apologized, said she was being dramatic and blew 'things' out of proportion (I'm still not sure what 'things' - she can't seem to think of any right now....) - she loves me, etc. But it has certainly damaged something inside me.

I didn't mean to turn the subject towards me and my life...just know that you are not alone and along with the others, I'm here if you need to talk it out - it helps.