Yonuh...my husband's family is from Wales...he hasn't traced his family but understands that's where they're from. I went to Wales once and fell in love with it. I went to a zoo somewhere there and kissed a monkee. That was weird. I hope you can go back...it's such a beautiful place.

Cookie...I talked to curves and asked them, after you reach your peak on the machines, then where do you go? They said they didn't really have anything else so I stuck with a gym where I can work on free weights if I need to and there's lots more options. You're right...youc an hit a plateau and get stuck where nothing happens..that's when you need to change your routine to rekick your body.
It's only been a week but tonight I ran into my SIL at Wal-Mart and she's very excited about meeting at our gym tomorrow. Me, too. I just hope I can keep going.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards