Acts of Kindness..when we returned home from our daughter´s funeral service, the entire street had their flaggs waving at half mast..we had moved to this neighborhood only a year before our little girl we were very surprised and touched by the "welcome" we received upon returning home. Our other children, who were not that old then, we very impressed by their act.

A week later one of our new neighbors had us all over for a wonderful dinner. I think it took alot of courage since we didn´t really know eachother that well. But her family wanted us to know that they were with us and were there if we needed them..

This happened in 1982, but as you see, we will never forget their kindness..

Just alittle humorous note..I got to know this neighbor very well during the following years..she always wentout late at nite with her dog in her night robe and smoking a cig..we met often at this time..and once when we met, she said..i am getting a divorce..why??? i asked and she said..because he never vacuum cleans..
"some sacred place.."