They've changed the interview date to Wednesday at 1pm. They're going to interview both children.

I wouldn't think of leaving them with the dad while I'm at work or ever again until I'm sure and the authorities are sure there wasn't anything going on.

Its been very difficult trying to lie and deceive the "dad" by coming up with reasons why he can't be with his kids. My daughter and I have been getting our heads together and coming up with excuses. The authorities advised us not to allert him as he could run off with his son and would have every right to. If probable cause is found at the interview, he won't be allowed to leave the state.

I haven't been able to keep anything in, food that is. I've been exhausted in every way and even lost my voice. The kids seem to be clinging to me. My daughter freaked out because she has had the kids on a regular basis.

She says she messed up for 12 yrs of her life, then has been away for a year from them, now as she puts it, they've been thrust upon her day in and day out for 3 days...oh shuckie darn...I have them all the time except for when I'm at work or their "dad" had them and I miss them when I'm not with them.

She says she feels smothered and trapped when she has them. Says, she's not set up for kids yet and isn't ready. I don't know what is going to happen, but I know as long as I can and am able and am allowed to, I will love them and provide stability and order for them.
Aarikja Ann