Yesterday was the strangest day for me. I finally got to bed at 4:30 am, woke at 5:30 am, made breakfast for the kids, bathed Aaliyah and fixed her long curly hair, picked outfits out for the two of them, made sure they had all their "things" then sent them on their way to school.

Fed my piggy family, went back to bed and slept until noon. The whole rest of the afternoon and evening I was a bear!

Have any of you ever been angry and out of sorts for no seeming reason? I was just raw and even selected a desk at work off all by myself where it wouldn't rub off on anyone else.

Today I'm off and going to buy a good pair of tennis shoes and start walking again. Maybe that will help.

I was so grumpy that I apologized to Dublin and Aaliyah and they both said, "Like we didn't notice". They both have a wry sense of humor...don't know where they got that.
Aarikja Ann