Retirement |
| | Learn the benefits of an AARP membership.
http:// | See if you are preparing for your future by taking Barbara Stanny's financial quiz.
| | Boomers will push Ageism to Join Racism and Sexism out of the Mainstream
| | Make more, spend less, be happy!
| | Think you're too young to retire? Check here:
| | Let Life In is an exciting new 50+ online magazine/web community and social network. It's philosophy is simple: There is more to life, so explore what is out there, express how you feel and in the process, enrich your life.
| | Have you been fired, laid off, outsourced, or downsized. Visit this for a new perspective.
| | Financial planning specializing in planning for mature women
| | Baby Boomer Retirement in Costa Rica. Come to Costa Rica where your retirement income goes further. Wonderful climates, beautiful beaches, come and visit us.
| | 70% of boomers say they will continue working after their "retirement" age. This site offers consulting, workshops and resources lists of information about mature careers in the bonus years. Here you can get help in designing the work and life you've always wanted.
| | SRES, Senior Real Estate Specialist. Helping people with relocating, down sizing, life planning, investing in Real Estate with in the Worcester County area, Massachusetts. Free services offered.
| | Are you ready for a second chance at your first dream? Remember when you had hope for a better world? Do you still want to make a difference? Radical Retirement helps you prepare for your version of "retirement." Radical Retirement is a membership website that includes a "Coaching Sandbox" to help you get started!
| | This site is for baby boomers wanting to plan their 3rd stage of life by taking a look at the non-financial side of retirement planning. There is more to planning for retirement than the money! Virtual Teleclasses, monthly eBook and a free Teleclass available.
| | Reverse Mortgages for Seniors and also for employment opportunity in Florida and other states.
| | Life Unfolds is a website dedicated to bettering the lives of mid-life women. Mary Anne Fields is a personal and business coach who helps turn mid-life angst into mid-life adventure.
 | Retirement information needs of 50+ Americans. The site is an interactive companion to Retire Smart, the weekly newspaper column which appears in more than 30 newspapers around the U.S. Includes life transition topics, careers, money, health, travel and lifestyle.
 | Learning Later, Living Greater The companion web site to the book, "Learning Later, Living Greater: The Secret for Making the Most of Your After-50 Years," and an information site about the benefits and value of lifelong learning for older adults.
Discover The Genius Within | Discover The Genius Within What if you take 2-days out of your life right now and create an Action Plan (Blueprint) for the rest of your life? Isn't that amazing? Just 2-days to change from impossible thinking to possibility thinking; the kind of thinking that sets you free and builds your confidence.
The WIT Institute - Lifestyle solutions for women in transition | The WIT Institute - Lifestyle solutions for women in transition This is a one-stop resource for women in transition which includes divorce, widowhood, retirement, career change.
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