Diane, when I was married I also stopped sharing my writing with my husband. Although he was supportive in theory, it was only supportive from the angle that it might provide income. My writing, my voice itself was not supported.

I have found that I only share my writing with a few select people in the beginning simply because it is so easy for one well meaning but wrong remark to 'kill my baby' before its had time to grow and mature enough to stand on its own.

It's hard when we can't share that deepest part of ourselves with the one we should be able to share anything with. But perhaps, with time he will be able to come back to you to discuss this. Perhaps he is uncomfortable because you are waiting for his reaction in the moment. Perhaps he needs time to process what you've written and wants to bring you a thought out supportive measured response.... ?
starting over

How we handle change determines our Destiny. P. Trapp