DJ, Cutco knives? Oh boy. Those are the sharpest dang things. Their scissors cut pennies. I guess you saw that in the demonstration. I cut my finger with one too while cutting a bagel. but no stitches. Ross ran out and got us a bagel cutter. Another friend ended up in the ER after slicing her fingtr with a Cutco too.

We've had many guys do their presentation for us. Just had another rep sell me more about a month ago. I love helping out the kids.

Your finger story reminded me of the time my daughter's finger got slammed in the door. It's the only time we had one of our kids in a car, not in a car seat. I held her on my lap with one hand, and her fingertip on with my other. They didn't stitch it. They repositioned it, covered and taped the heck out of it. It was such a traumatic day for us. When we finally arrived home from the hospital we put her down for a nap. When she awakened she had torn the whole dang thing off. After calling the ER, we repositioned it, re-taped, put a sock on top, taped that, blah, blah, blah. Her fingertip is a little crooked today, but at least it's there!

Hope you're healing.