I said I am thru dating for a while...but I had met and corresponded with a man not to far from my location for over a month and he had called me several times as well. He was recovering from a recent divorce and then another breakup after that, and we agreed to meet...as friends...for dinner. He is a former Green Beret, Airborne, Vietnam vet, age 52. I met him in the local parking lot of our shopping center in my small town. I felt comfortable enough to take him on a tour of my little town, showing the school where I work, and even where my house is located. Thru dinner, I realized I was dealing with someone with serious emotional problems. He actually broke into tears a couple of times, talking about his past, and kept referring to his lost love. Though his conversation revealed that he is very intelligent, his demeanor and body language was disturbing...not looking me in the eye when he talked, and apologizing profusely for almost everything he said. I drove us back to his car in the parking lot and said a polite good night. I had asked him to email me when he arrived home safely, since he had an hour drive to his home. I also sent a polite email to him saying the dinner was pleasant, and I had enjoyed meeting him. The next day, Sunday, I received a nasty email from him, obviously resentful that the evening didn't result in sex! Since then, on Monday night, I received a message on my answering machine that he was in my town (I didn't answer the phone), and had driven by my house. I live on a dead end street, and it is not easy to just drive by! Also, another message on my machine when he finally arrived home. Then the next day, two emails, posted at 3:30 and 5:30 a.m. saying he was going to sell his house and move here! All this from one "friendly" dinner date. It freaked me out! I sent him a polite email yesterday saying I had decided I wasn't ready to date anyone at this time, preferring to spend the time on my own recovery, and attending to my responsibilities. If the roles were reversed, and I was the one driving by his house after just one friendly date, I know I would be viewed as a potential stalker. I haven't heard from this man since my polite email declining future contact. I think I hooked up with a weirdo.
I'm thru...Chatty!!! Better safe and single.