I keep a written record of radio and tv interviews I've done. It's pages and pages long. Trust me, I've done my share of radio interviews and have never found them to be that successful. True, you never know who is listening and it isn't about selling books but...it is. There is nothing wrong with making $$'s off of your hard work. There is nothing wrong with helping people for free either. But, being a writer is a business just like any other job. My time is so taken and busy that I have to decide how my time will be used to the best. You will be surprised how many people want you to travel at your own expense and speak for free. Sometimes, that's okay but after a while, it gets old and expensive and truthfully, you're more valued if you get paid. Go figure, but it's true. However, after saying that, I've never charged a shelter for battered women for my speaking. If it's in another state, I do ask for travel expenses. It's about good business and if you don't treat it that way, you're gonna end up broke. [Eek!]