I hope this doesn't offend anyone but here goes anyway....I don't know how it is possible to not be a "full-time homemaker"? I work 30 to 40 hours a week at a job outside of the home, and then go home and put in another 8 to 10 hour day not including weekends. Homemaking, if defined as mothering, wifing, household management, is always a full time job. I've always been bothered by the fact that too many people fail to recognize what it takes to manage a home and family. There are the big obvious things like meals, laundry, cleaning etc. But what about the million other things. Who helps with homework and projects? Who shops? Who pays the bills? Who goes to PTA, coaches little league? I do! And I have a husband. He thinks he does his share and I suppose compared to many other guys, he does....in a guy defined kind of way. The way I see it, I have two full time jobs and this time of year, it seems like three. Now that I've finished bitchin', I should add, I wouldn't trade one minute, one lacrosse game, one band concert, one hug or cuddle or one sleepless night for anything in the world. My kids love me and know that I am devoted to them. They also respect that I have other abilities that generate an income that help our family. I am a very blessed, if always exhausted, full time homemaker.