We too, have been considering where to move because of the weather and taxes. We most likely won't move for a couple of more years as my husband still wants to work at his current job, but he can retire "again" if he wants. He has retired from one job already.

I live in Illinois too, and the taxes are getting even more ridiculous both at local and state levels. We have had horrible cold and hot weather over the last few years. I don't like extreme in either case. Like you said Anne, staying in the A/C in the summer confines one too. Tonight the weather is going to be in single digits again with cold strong winds. The weekend looks like it could be a winter mix but isn’t supposed to amount to anything…..we’ll see.

I would love to move to Hawaii also, lol. One of my nephews lived there for 3 years. He had an opportunity to go work there and being young and single, he jumped at the chance. He loved it there, but when the job was over so was the big money he made.....he could no longer afford to stay there. Unfortunately, he didn't bother to save any money so he could continue to live there!! frown Errrrr!

We are considering Tennessee and maybe Southeast MO. We still like the 4 seasons too, but would like less of hot humid summers and cold blustery winters. Not asking for much, are we. smile