we earn our peace by understanding our anxiety. Sifting the chaff.

Middle Years ©

Fife, Scotland

Middle years when sufficient has been absorbed
From life itself gives the platform of authenticity
This is from where we can sift the grains of truth
From the chaff of needless planting
Sown by the ideas and beliefs of others

Each season has its glory days
For me the vitality of spring
When races were run and days long
Still give joy in their shining yellow

Summer too when two paths in tandem
Enticed the woman and mother in me
Clever juggler that I was
Keeping all the balls circulating

Early autumn stocktaking time
The platform where I mill the grains
Done in solitary repose I now have choice
That only autumn brings

Autumn after a long summer is golden
No races await but words gather
Are in the wings waiting to be woven
Into a lasting force. evidence of my living

Hopefully a kind winter awaits
I prepare by drawing in the harvest
I have sown and gathered
Yes some chaff must be swept away