Smile, I will definitely take pictures and find a place to show a few along with the wedding details.

And Searcher, sis sent me a picture of the "rock" - it is not gaudy, but not what I would call small, either.

Mom said when they went to church Sunday, he held up her sparkling hand and announced their engagement to the seniors ss class. She said the pastor's chin about hit the floor and he was rendered speechless for a time. When he recovered he made sure he would get to do the honors and marry them which he will. They were met with lots of excitement and congrats from the rest of the group.

Mom sounds so excited, I can't wait to see her. I haven't been home since January. My sisters and I are going out for a drink (or two) Friday night, giving the happy couple their privacy.

Since he is my dad's nephew - my first cousin - we are wondering - will he be our dad or will mom be our cousin? Will she still be his aunt after she becomes his wife? Will his kids still be our cousins or will they be our sibs? Oh, my, what a twisted family tree we will be!

Stay tuned, maybe we will get this figured out over our drinks Friday night!