OK ladies,

I'm going to steam it up here a bit. LOL

This is a "sensitive" subject -- but I think the info is too good not to share.

I am NOT going to type the word that represents this information - but will guide you to looking it up and finding it. I'm afraid if I post "the word"..that boomerwomenspeak will be googled and become a "clearing house" for people with "alternative intimate ideas". LOL

There is a new consciencness in America - which is actually an ancient Indian art form. There is a couple whose names are:
charles and caroline muir who have put together a VERY tasteful program - that would guide a couple through learning these exercises. (google them, then go to the website named source_ _ _ _ _ _). (again, not posting the word...but it starts with a "t") (am I killing any of you yet).

The premise of this "artform" is to help couples connect on a physical AND spiritual level in their intimate times. (it is a tad bit "new-agey", but I definitly see how it could benefit anyone)!

The other thing I find intriguing about it is - it helps women in particular, who have been abused or molested, to re-connect their mind and bodies.

I had a great "intimate life" (don't want to use the "s" word) when I was married - but I also was somewhat emotionally disconnected from it because of my past(if that makes any sense).

Life is too short to be a dress rehersal - I think this art form could be very pivotal in helping couples and women heal and connect on a new level. (this would also help couples who can't actually be "intimate" on physical levels - to connect spiritually).

If you have any questions - feel free to PM me.

I Did purchase the "learn at home kit" from the "source _ _ _ _ _ _" website - and was very impressed with how tastefully it all was put toghether, and re-inerated in differenct forms (book, audio, AND DVD).


Feel free to pm me with questions - I will answer them if I can.

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