Heck Saundra, I don't know if I'm prolific or just plain compulsive and obsessive.

Actually, thanks for the kind words. The fact is, we all start somewhere. My first book was a thought long before it was a book. And the first one that was published wasn't even the first one I thought would be published. That one is still waiting to be written.

Fact is, the more we do something, hopefully, the easier it becomes.

On working with POD publishers, I have heard from people who have had incredibly good experiences and I have heard of folks not having good experiences.

My recommendation is to check with folks who have used the same company to find out what their expeirence has been.

Regarding your website. Often, people think all they need to do is put a website up and books will magically sell themselves. Many an author has gotten very discouraged because they don't sell anything from a site. The fact is, selling from a site is something that should be planned out.

How will you drive people to your site? What will they find once they get there? What will motivate them to take the action of taking their money out of their pocket? How will you keep in touch with them?

One of the things that works well for those of us who do make money selling from a site is to have a way for people to leave you their contact information. In most cases, they won't just do that, you have to give them a reason. One that is important to them.

For example, on one of my sites people can sign up for my marketing ezine, a report, some ebooks, etc. Each is designed to provide incredible information and value to the reader and to allow me to build my database with interested readers.

Even in my monthly ezine, I have lots of opportunities for people to leave me their contact information. To see what I mean click the link in my sig file below.

For some reason, many authors I have talked with and corresponded via email with have a real aversion to doing that. It's as if they think marketing and sales is bad.

What I think is bad is not paying my bills. And when I sell books, I pay my bills.

Just a view from the inside of Kathleen's head.

Have a great day.

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