
There was a time when a religious vocation was a safe choice for many in terms of a secured life and not really spiritually tapped to serve a vow.

I don't know about that, Lola. I think there was always hanky-panky going on. Now these so called- priests are just getting caught.
For example in the city I live close to, Augsburg, a subway system was planned. Well that was called off because the engineers discovered hidden tunnels running through the city, like a maze, from one church to the other. (Would make a good crime book, wouldn't it) Anyway not only did they discover these secret passages, they found skeletons of women with new born babies. These women were apparently nuns, who met regularly with the monks from the various monasteries.
But as you say, it's an institution made and held up by humans. I think a lot of problems would be solved if priests were allowed to marry. That would help filter out at least some of the pedolphiles and perverts.
I personally think we need a younger Pope that keeps up more with the times.
Oh well, so much for my 2 cents.