Hannelore, you should be submitting to BWS for publication!
And you're right, I do need me knees to kneel. I told my husband last night that if I had to have surgery, I wouldn't be able to kneel again. I tore my left ACL and had surgery for that several years ago.

Kathy, sounds like we have similar knee issues, but I haven't learned my lesson yet. You have!

My MRI was at 11:00 pm last night. I had a 45 minute meeting today and missed the doctor's call. When I returned the call, they said HE had to discuss my results with me. I joked with her and wanted to pay her off just to hear the results sooner, but I have to wait for him to be free...which means it must be something, or don't you think she could have told me if it was nothing?

W a i t i n g ...
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.