Ahem...let's all clear our mouth of those jujubee's shall we? I mean, "so now I gotta go rescue Dwayne from dwoning in the swamp" Dwoning? I didn't say Dwayne wa--oh nevermind. I'll do it myself. Ay-ya-ya-ya-..ya!

Now listen up gurls...TRIVIA CONTEST.

For the next four weeks I will be here as your Featured Author. So, let's kick it up a notch, k? (Sorry Em...)

I've given Dotsie 4 numbers between 1-25.
One number for each week I'm here.

You with me so far?

Okay, now...each week, I will be asking a trivia question that has to do with my book OR my blog OR me! This makes it fair to everyone. Now...I am NOT going to tell you WHAT DAY the question will be asked, so you have to visit every day to see if I've posted it.

You must send you answer via email (GJawjaw1@aol.com) to me. If you send the correct answer, and you are contestant #whatever the number is, YOU WIN.

The prizes are as follows:

1st week - A set of beautiful notecards from Dotsie's site.

2nd week - A T-shirt from Dotsie's site

3rd week - A beautiful piece of jewelry from our own Meredith (http://www.meredithbead.com/)

4th week - A box of MelloMelts to go in your coffee or tea (http://www.mellowmelts.com)

For instance, let's say I ask

"What is the Queen favorite cookie?" and Evie sends me an email saying Oreo's. The number for that week is 6. Evie is email entry #5, she loses. (and that's for not draining the swamp).

So...then I get an email from Songbird and she says "Oreo's" and she is email #6, then she wins that weeks trivia question and prize.

If the number happened to be 20, for instance, and I only got 15 people replying, the closest person to the correct number at the end of the week wins that prize.

Any questions?

Read up, ask away, know your Queen...and da Trixster!