I thought it was interesting that the discussion of capitalization vs. socialism came up. I have never understood why we seem to think that everything has to be one or the other.
Those who are so against socialism might study it a little and I think they would discover that there is little to fear. To say socialism is the next step before communism is to say that pot smoking leads to the use of heroin.
The way I see it (and I typically vote Republican though have been known to vote for "the man") (1) The heart of man is evil above all else (read that somewhere) so trusting that the profanely wealthy will see the need to help their fellow man, is absurd. To the corporate CEO, the important thing is the bottom line. There is no such thing as "enough money". "OK, I have enough money now, so I'll give all my employees a living wage so they won't have to work two jobs to support their family.
I live in Florida where the wealthy come to die. They buy insanely expensive homes in gated communities, many of them for 55 and older (wouldn't want any of those children running around!...), they drive beamers or Mercedes or Jaguars, belong to the country club, play golf and say, "I have all my grain in my barn, I have my home, my cattle on a thousand hills and their favorite song is, "I Did It My Way", by Frank Sinatra and many of the men, especially in the Fort Lauderdale area frequent the many strip clubs while their wives sit in their lavish homes planning their next shopping trip to Saks... They make a yearly stab at 'charitable' events so they can get their names and photos in the paper and say they 'gave'. They truly think they deserve first priority treatment because they have wealth and with it power while there are those in their own community suffering, wondering how they will be able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and buy the next installment of groceries to feed their family.
Many of them don't receive the health care they need because they can't afford the co-pay or if they could, they couldn't afford to get the prescription filled.
The red tape and paperwork, the documentation needed to get on WIC or medicaid or even unemployment is astronomical. Out of frustration, many give up and just go home.
Meanwhile he hospitals are becoming megamedical complexes run like a corporation.
Instead of giving their employees a living wage, companies like WalMart warn their new employees during orientation against the evils of unions and to be on the look out for union advocates among them while they start their employees out at $7 an hour.
(2) Many of the poor, and to me that is anyone who makes less than 30,000 a year, have given up and/or are so busy trying to juggle children, daycare, and at least one job many work two, that they don't have time to further their education.
The college students in my small town spend as much time as possible sleeping around, drinking and taking drugs while their unwitting parents pay out the nose for their education and for it they gain bragging rights and standing in their social groups.
Our society is sick, but we can glean the good points from socialization without being a socialist, we can take the good points from capitalism and utilize them without being a card carrying capitalist. We need government programs but not as many, to make sure that men do give through taxation.
That same $100 bucks that the wealthy male retiree put in the thong of the stripper at Cheetah's would have paid for a 3 yr.old to go to the doctor and get the antibiotic she needed and maybe her mom wouldn't have had to be degraded by taking off her clothes for him.
You can't mandate morality, but you can make laws and programs that ensure that the poor and helpless don't fall through the cracks and wind up in our ever growing penal system.
For all of us who think GW or Kerry were the answer...Both are members of the Skull and Crossbones Club. What does that tell you? It is time for us to remove our respective heads from our anal passages and see what is really happening around us.