Wow, Eagle, what an experience. I have friends who are massage therapists and they say that an experience such as yours may often happen. As you know, our muscles hold memory, and you had quite the release. Since I was a victim of DV and CSA, it took an awful lot for me to go to massage because touch was a trigger for me, especially in vulnerable half-naked positions. But my chiropractor had offered it to me in adjunct therapy to neck pain and migraines. At first, I was too tense and hyper-vigilent to enjoy the massage. I've since learned to relax, and to distinguish the sensations of good, therapeutic touch. I try to go once a month now. I had regular massage during cancer because my body was so poked and prodded and I needed a balance of good touch. The massage therapist was so in tune to being gentle. I was so grateful that I had let go of my old muscle memory of bad touch in order to experience the good. Massage has turned out to be so beneficial as a healing method for whatever ails!