About the subject of being yourself, and happy with who God made you, I was watching TV this am and heard something interesting. The lady was in Africa and she was asking the women before her if she liked her body? The lady looked at her like she was crazy for asking such a question. The lady replied: See the tree over there, isn't it beautiful, now look at that beautiful tree, the one next to it. She continued by saying that each of those trees are beautiful, but in a unique way. She loves her body because it is the body God gave her and therefore it is beautiful and she loves her arm, hands, legs etc. Each of us should love who we are because it is how God made us and we shouldn't want to look like someone else, we should look like ourselves and be careful to take care of what God gave us, and to love it and cherrish it. This really hit home with me. Maybe I can take this and start to love the ME that there is. After all God made all of us and variety is the spice of life, so they say.