I'm holding all of you, Celtic (and Lucien), Angelika and Orchid in my heart and thoughts. I agree with you, Angelika, there is comfort in having a faith that believes that this isn't the end and that our loved ones are happy, and still with us in spirit and love. I also believe that wherever they are now, they know all that they didn't know while here on earth, and are rooting us on to OUR best and happiest selves while we're still here. I know it's hard to grasp when we're in the midst of such agony and grief, but it's something I've been experiencing over and over and over again with each loss, that they really do want us to thrive and be well and happy...to live abundant lives.

MA, your poem brings tears to my eyes. I too love the relating of beautiful red poppies to our beautiful Poppie. Red poppies will forever bring Pauline to heart and mind now.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)