thx for your opinion meredith.
Edelweiss: And if there are some mosques that are bigger than church steeples, is that a dangerous, offensive thing to see where you are?
Not sure if you visited the suburbs of Vancouver, but we have some huge mosques and 1-2 huge Buddhist temples. No one has become "scared" where we are. Actually some are a tourist attraction (just like big famous churches in Europe where tons of tourists visit and take photos).
Unfortunately I think many people DO associate Muslim and Hinduism with non-whites if they are unfamiliar with Islam, don't know the history of Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia and Malayasia, etc. (latter 2 countries have high number of Muslim believers).
I don't appreciate the comment "people like you who claim, etc." I'm over 10,000 kms. away from you and you have never met me, never walked in my shoes and never lived my life. I haven't told all my stories of incidents that are unpleasant here in this forum, incidents that occur still as an adult. (which is why I think Eagle who was taunted as "infidel" should just ignore it. Those boys were razzing her and trying to get a rise out of her. I get that similar crap, several times per year.)
I already gave same real-life examples of ex-pat Germans, their style in the workplace, whom I worked with for 3 years...daily. I also share a life with my partner has a deeper feel of German culture and nuances of its language, still has direct contact with relatives in Germany and visited Germany over 8 different trips in his lifetime after he immigrated to Canada in the early 1950's.
I wish the shadow of race would go away but it does reappear suddenly when never expects it. And it isn't overt violence. It's as simple as:
During the Olympics, I was standing with Jack, my partner at night waiting for fireworks to begin. 5 feet away a bunch of people in their 20's, not even children, were talking away. one guy was venting about his job, then about all the Chinese and too many Chinese in Richmond where I guess he works. No he wasn't Asian at all. I didn't say anything because part of me ..was tired and wondered if it would be worth it. But I did turn around to look at them long. Meanwhile Jack simply stood there, facing them and stared them long.
The others were uncomfortable,..because they knew how broadbrushing and wrong his comments were.
Richmond is a suburb of Vanouver. It has alot of Canadians of Asian descent.
As for the claim there is no discrimination in Germany from what you can see. Not from your perspective because you would only notice overt violence, shouting. As I said earlier, the real integration of people occurs in the power structure of politics and how people accepted further up the chain in decision-making in management of a company, non-profit organizations, government. It is about sharing power and decision-making not at the lower level of any organizational structure but in leadership roles, where the talent and skills of people are developed, recognized and used.
We have little towns in Germany, where the mosques are larger than the church steeples. It's already out of control. And why? Because politicians are afraid to get labelled as racist,from people like you, who claim that “Race is always lurking in the background”.
Maybe the tourist images...should include mosques and temples in Germany? They do include here for Richmond and Surrey in Canada. The tourist literature includes photos of 1 huge Richmond Buddhist temple. It was probably built there, not because of the local population but because there was vacant lot available and land zoning to allow it. People go there to pray. I haven't gotten around to walking around inside.
I'm not sure where the large churches are in Richmond, they exist. I don't visit Richmond often, once a month or less. I just don't notice them...because churches in North America are like wallpaper after awhile: we take them for granted in our landscape, we don't really notice them after awhile.
I can only imagine how threatening the perceived invasion of Islam, etc. that is coinciding with legal immigrants settling in areas ..especially if the Christian church attendance has been declining over the past few decades (it has been in Canada).
I'm not convinced about fundmentalism taking real hold in North America, given our laws to assist in preventing gender abuse, etc. Large numbers of 2nd and 3rd generations tend to move further and further away from their fundamentalist relatives / ancestors over decades. In fact the new "God" is consumerism.
Powerful forces of assimilation for the majority, not the small fundamental minority believers.