Oh, I never think what they taught was a "bad" thing - I thank God I had a good solid Catholic upbringing when I was young.It made me a better person, despite the 60's and early 70's if you get my drift. All those CCD classes. Cracked up, Dotsie, yes, the new undies look like that hideous belt. As if anyone over 20 could wear one!! LOL there. Actually, the message of the bulletin I totally remember (thinking on it for the past couple days)was "I Am a No-Neck Girl" and the first aspect of it was not selling ourselves out for a cheapie date, not indulging in urges and all. We had that one posted on the counter for so doggone long. But, I have to tell you, I sift thru the good messages and they always relate to life and self today, but some of them have always aspected a bucketload of the "self" messages as baggage I've carried these many years. I am glad of my stern Catholic upbringing, wish I were a stronger person to follow thru and adhere today. I wish I were as good as the Church wanted me to be. I took the sacrements seriously! My parents were strict Catholic, and I remember the Catholic paper's ) giving my folks input as to which movies we should or shouldn't see, which books we should or shouldn't read. Catcher In the Rye was on the list, and of course I wanted to read it.And I did, and loved it, and started to question things. All a part of becoming an individual and and learning there was "other' stuff out there. I was a child of pre-Vatican II, learned all the Latin and made the sacrements then. To this day, when I watch Mass from the Vatican, I can still give the Latin response! When it went to the Priest facing the congregation and English, I was really astounded and not at all pleased, even at that young age I was sensing a major rift in the fabric of my life. I have attended Latin Masses in the past and feel right at home, but they are hard to come by these days, and as an aside, I married a Methodist so I don't attend so regularly. I have become a holiday Catholic, which I really hate in my core of being. Lordy. I think a lot of the baggage we carry is stuff we gather ourselves. Anyhoo. You are right, ChattyLady, those earlier teachings are worth their weight in gold, maybe we cringe some but we know our true worth. Thanks for all your input, love this site and a place to chat about My place in life today. Thanks!!