Thanks for asking Chatty. Things are going well.

We have problems here and there, it isn't "storybook", but then real life is rarely like that.

Like I said before, I know he loves me, he shows it in different ways.

Most recent example: I went to Hawaii in mid-May with some girlfriends. My old dog hasn't been doing too well, and I was afraid to leave her with her usual pet sitting arrangements. I was leaving on a Friday and he offered to keep her for me.

The plan was for me to drive 3 hours on the Thursday night prior to the trip to meet him halfway, in Alabama (and he was driving 3 hours too). He'd take the dog, I'd drive back home and leave on my trip early the next morning.

I got a call a few days before the trip saying "I know you'll protest, I don't care, I'm going to be at your house on Wednesday evening. I'm spending the night, then I'll leave on Thursday morning when you go to work. I'll take the dog, and you can have Thursday night alone to pack and get ready. You don't need to be driving for hours the night before a big trip, you need time to pack and get a good nights sleep."

He isn't a big animal person. He drove 12 hours in 2 days to save me the trouble of handing the dog off. He knows how much I love that old dog. And the 2 weeks he had her, he got up an hour early every morning to walk her. Then he let her ride to breakfast with him every day, and took her to work with him when he worked at night. The nights he didn't work, she got walked. Truthfully, I think he missed her once I got her back.

So that's the story for now. Big contrast with the other guy I was seeing, who couldn't drive to see me unless it was connected with business (but it was OK for me to drive to see him).

Funny how things evolve.