I have a dilemma.
I have been working for the same company for 10 years. I used to make good money but the economy has taken it's toll on many industries, publishing included. I have a medical/dental plan that saves me money so have hung in there for that and hoping things will improve.
Lately things have become worse. I don't make enough to pay all of my expenses and have gone into credit card debt.
My solution was to get another job. I work from home so going out to do something else part of the day would work.
It was suggested by an acqaintence that I should get into the insurance business as I am in sales already and have experience. What I did not think about is that this job is commission based like my magazine job. I really should have found a job that paid a salary. Two commission jobs may not have been the best choice.
I have to make cold calls and build my insurance business on my own. Being so stressed out over finances has caused me to panic as I have kids to support. You have to be up in sales. I can't contact people when I am in a desperate state. At least I can't.
Now I'm wondering if I should just put the insurance job on hold and go get a paying job to supplement my income. It would have to be part-time but it would still be better than making nothing which is what I am making now.
I'm so confused. I went through alot of effort to get licenced. I am lettng my new boss down. But whenever I go into the office she says do you have any sales yet. I am going to put the pressure on you, not what I need. Also they have made a new rule, if you don't sell 1000 per month in sales, you will have to pay a 100 desk fee. I can't afford to pay this as I don't have enough money as it is.
I know I should focus but I keep thinking about the best solution. Should I just get a new full time job (not easy to find)
Should I give up the insurance job and get a part-time salary job for now until I am back on track with some money in my savings account?
I am hoping that some of you will see my situation from the outside as I am too close to it. I just keep going back and forth and am getting nowhere fast. The bills are creeping up again this month so I have to do something quick.
Then there is Christmas, don't even want to go there.