Dear Songbird,
You asked for just one diet tip...
You know, there are sooooo many diet plans out there, and people swear by their favorites. I believe that any 'sensible'diet plan is capable of delivering at least short term results. (By 'sensible' I mean nothing funky that suggests you remove entire food groups from your menu. The exception being a vegetarian diet, as it is possible to get a healthy amount of protein from other combinations of non-meat food sources...)
But after a lifetime of compulsive overeating interlaced with just about every weight loss diet or scheme known to Woman, I finally achieved weight loss success-- that I have been able to maintain for a year and a half now.
The one tip I can give you that I know will work is this: whatever sensible food plan you adopt, you absolutely must exercise. Exercise is the one thing you can do that will deliver the goods for the long haul. Exercise also delivers a host of benefits that dieting alone can't give you... increased energy and stamina, nicely toned, stronger muscles, armor against osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc., a serious boost in metabolism that allows you to consume a few more calories without them showing back up on your hips...
The problem is that most people would rather stick pins in their eyes than exercise. The idea of sitting on a stationary bike, walking endless miles on a treadmill, or looking like a 'dork' in a gym full of "the beautiful people" is enough to send many of us running without the aid of Nikes to the safety and comfort of our living room recliners.
But there are so many choices in exercise, and some of them are actually fun and entertaining. Sometimes it can take a little while to find what 'excites' you, but the sooner you start looking, the closer you will be to finding your perfect match. As for 'beautiful people' in the gyms... it's just not what it used to be in the 80's, when exercise clubs were the equivalent of healthy night clubs, and young beautiful women with stiff, high 80's hair, full makeup, fuschia leotards and leg warmers strutted their stuff to the pulsating music of Expose screaming from the club sound system. And group exercise, just like automobiles and computers, has evolved through the years to keep up with the exercising population's ever-changing tastes and ever- shrinking tolerance for the boring and the mundane.
And... America is getting heavier. That carries over to the populations in our nation's gyms! At my gym, the average woman in an exercise class is 40ish and weighs 160, a far cry from a 21 year old Swedish swimsuit model. As far as gyms go, I do recommend them; at least in my own case it's much easier to get motivated when I'm at the gym than when I'm at home. I suggest visiting a few, finding out what they have to offer, and choosing one that you feel comfortable in. Although my gym is staffed predominantly with shapely, young people, they are all super-sweet, nonjudgemental, and absolutely dedicated to helping me achieve my goals. In fact, they have helped me so much that I now actually teach two fitness classes there!
Gyms exist to help us reach our fitness goals, not just to be a playground for those who are already fit. In fact, only about 17% of Americans can be classified as already fit 'gym-bunnies.'
I know that was a frightfully long, 'one tip' answer, but I hope it helps!