My grandson is staying with his Dad (in another province) for the summer. D is 8 yrs old.
When D is with his Mom (my daughter), I call them every day. Yesterday, my birthday, I called and the step-mother-from hell, answered the phone. She kept saying hello, hello, like she couldn't hear me.
I called D's Dad at work and he said to call the cell number, they were having problems with their phone. I said "same as last year at the same time, huh"...(convenient).
Anyway....I called the cell, asked for D and she said Oh, he's not here. I said "Well, who is he with? (no one else he could be with. He was there according to his Dad.) She said, "None of your business." Ignoring that comment,I said "Well, when can I call back later?" She said, Never on MY cellphone.
I called D's Dad back and said I want to talk to my grandson and he just hung up on me. I called back and left this message. If I don't speak to my granson today or tomorrow, I am personally going to take a flight to VISIT him.
How can he be so p*ssywhipped as to not think about his own son over a spiteful woman who has no respect for D's and my relationship. Apparently neither does he, I guess.
What does this woman have against me? Nothing, except that I'm her boyfriend's X's Mother.
My daughter has had nothing only problems with her X since 'she' came into the picture 2 yrs ago. Anonymous threatening calls, emails etc. And 'he' won't believe any of it...more on this later as daughter is tracing calls, emails etc....same as last year.
When my daughter calls to talk to D, she answers the phone, waits a minute and hangs up. A few minutes later she calls my daughters house and hangs up when she answers it..(to have a record of calling, I guess) My daughter has talked to her son 2 times in a few weeks and 'she' tells him....It's time to go D, get off the phone after about a minute. My daughter is meeting with her lawyer later this week.
I swear to God, I feel like I could choke this woman, she has to be one unhappy son of a....
All of this aside, my real concern is this. How is my grand-son being treated while his Dad is at work. We all know how women like this can be. If they are hateful to D's Mom and Grandmom, how will she treat him? She has a boy of her own who is a few years older than D. Oh my, I am at my wits end with worry.
I haven't called today. Mr. Chick said, don't call. Wait til D gets home in a few weeks. She may take it out on him if I bother her again. What do you all think.
Please pray that he will be treated right.
Thanks for listening. Amazing how writing here makes one feel a little better.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~