Thanks for the good wishes. It did go well.....tons of fun. Lot's of high pressure for those who work in that field. I wouldn't last too long under the pressure. A couple of people who saw it called and made purchases so that is very cool, and I had an upswing in activity yesterday and today.

Another great thing that happened in business was the response I received to an ad I place in a newly released regional magazine called "Girlfriendz." I am always nervous when I spend my precious dollars in advertising, but this one paid off big time! The magazine is really good. Totally geared towards boomer women. Even if you don't live in our area, you can get on a list to receive a copy. Plus, they are running two really cute contests to celebrate their launch. One is for an American Express gift certificate. If you want to check it out, here is the link Girlfriendz The site is really in progress, but you can get info. and sign up to receive it.
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