I LIKE Home Care Assistance...HCA. And, yeah, I've been practicing saying it over and over and haven't gotten tired of it. Thanks JJ and Hannelore! Yes, there's a lot of agencies but a HUGE need! I've been in the visiting nurse routine for a few years and saw there was never enough to fill those needs. I also think I'm located in a good spot for it...being part of the urban to rural sprawl. I still waver about throwing in that extra word before HCA. I have to stop this! Unless, of course, I find something not too weird. Believe it or not, it's my hubby that drives me nuts with the cutesy, syrupy sweet names! I think I'll feel sooooo much better when it's done so I can get on with the more important stuff, even though I realize that naming is very much a priority.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett