His Dad is in and out of his life. He has gotten a couple of women pregnant and has a 5 year old with the woman he lives with that has three kids all different dads's. Not the greatest role model. Also, not the best choice of a husband to make kids with, I was very dumb back then. Much smarter now :-)

His talk with him was "Make sure you use condoms" AHHHHHH!

Yes, he is so young. I have had a counsellor talk to him for the past four months as he was going through a depression period, death of a friend etc. This counsellor was a wonderful role model and talked to both the girlfriend and my son about this subject on many occasions. Talked to the girl about not leading him on and playing games. He is the one who suggested that I call the girl's Mom and try to meet up with her but she was not interested and was actually quite rude to me.

I am going to talk to him as I have done in the past, but.... I can't lock him up or forbid him from seeing her as this will backfire big time.