CASEY glade to hear you got a group that you can totalie trust and they accept you in whatever mood or way your in.....that is so important acceptances...i got place for that too and i know how luckie i am i a big fan of peer support whear ever you get it or from whatever group....

NL sorrie to hear you H at his nonsences again, loyaltie dos not deserve that type of trust braking treatment as loyaltie is so varie preciouse as a virtue or personalitie trate....

I bet it dose hurt, that behaviour would hurt anyone....i can still understand the difficultie in turning your back on H especillie being a water sighn and having the type of personalitie that you have just described.....I know we have had our diffrences in the past about certine topics but i still hate to think of you going through all this and its been constant for you

I know you will find your way in it all and find the best thing for you to do about it. I hope for the best plan of acton or road for you out of your present hurt...

DOTSIE delighten you found your circle of trust within a prayer group. That grants one faith in people and a good experinces of religion and those be a delight praying with others in that atmospher of trust and love.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn