Dear Doctor JJ. You may just have seen some depth in this painting that I have never seen before. It is sort of odd that they are sailing almost off the canvas, isn't it Now why the heck did I paint it that way? I have no idea. May I lie down Doc? I think it's a blah blah long story. To tell you the truth, I prefer your version.
Does she live happily ever after in Greece?
Okay, send me a bill.

Popea, forgive my ignorance, but where exactly is that favourite coastline of yours? Is it in Ireland? I've worked with water colors and ah, I've done lots of doodling with pencils and pens next to my phone.

My friends, you have me blushing all over, I'm so flattered. Really, I never expected this reaction.

I have only once done an oil portrait on commission. Other then that, I'm a novice what the sales market is concerned. But now I got to tell you ladies something. I'm doing something REALLY crazy, and I'm just giddy thinking about it.

After asking for Hubby's permission, I'm putting the painting in Ebay. I want to just see if I have any luck. I had to promise Hubby I'll paint it again for him.

Well, then I thought, what in the world can I ask for? I just have no idea. So I checked out Ebay, and found atrocious prices. Like 20 million for paintings that looked like a dog got sick all over the canvas…. So I figured, I don't have to sell…why not… why not try…I have nothing to lose! Hah, I put it in for $40.000,- . I'm positive I won't sell it, but they say some crazy person gets up every morning….maybe some Arabian Sheikh would like to hang it up in his bathroom? Yes?…Well, if I do get that price, I officially promise to sponsor a bottle of French Champaign for each and every one of you! tee-hee